Wie viel Geld gibt man der Familie vom Freund?
Hallo zusammen,
der Cousin von meinem Freund ist leider verstorben und wir gehen am Wochenende auf die Beerdigung.
Ich würde gerne der Familie eine Beileidskarte mit Geld schenken. Nur weiß ich leider nicht wie viel da angemessen ist….
Vielen Dank im Vorraus:)
I would expect 10 to 20 €.
Okay, thanks
This depends on two factors
1 how much money you have in general available .
2 you were friends with the deceased.
1 is currently in training
2 did not know the deceased
Then I would just hand over a card
Okay, thank you
From 1 euro to 100 thousand everything..
It is unusual to give money in grief cases, at least in Germany.
But this is quite common for the tomb care.
Must be regional.
I’d say, none at all. It’s not a good idea for money gifts.
However, money is usually donated for the tomb care.