Wie viel Geld für Essen?
Was meint ihr: Wie viel Geld benötige ich für Essen, wenn ich gut und gewissenhaft einkaufe. Möchte allerdings gesund kochen. Recht viel reis, Gemüse und vielleicht noch Hühnchenfilet zum Beispiel. Einige meinen ja, dass gesunde Ernährung teuer ist. Meiner Meinung nach ist das nicht unbedingt so. Muss unbedingt anfangen, auf meine Ernährung zu achten. Süßigkeiten und Snacks sind komplett gestrichen. Vor allem Süßgetränke sind ein großes Übel… was man an Zucker einfach mal so wegsäuft. Ist einem oft nicht bewusst, weil es ein Getränk ist und kein Schokoriegel. Bei mir hat es da echt klick gemacht. Das möchte ich meinem Körper nicht mehr antun. Auch auf mein Gewicht muss ich achten. Mit wie viel Geld lässt sich im Monat für essen auskommen? Gerne auch paar Tipps 🙂
So I need 20-25 EUR per week (for healthy, varied and freshly cooked food). That’s all. And here give a lot of vegetables daily and also legumes, rice, pseudo cereals, potatoes, good oils/sweet, fresh herbs, etc.
Others would come with this amount NULL, as they have quite different priorities and believe that it is only necessary to abandon what is not the case (at least I do not have the feeling that I would give up something). I plan and buy differently and calculate differently and also cook differently. Have also learned from my parents to get far with little money.
1x a week I drive to the farmer and buy a lot of B-goods or offers. Then I pay in the section approx. 5-10 EUR for vegetables that lasts 1-2 weeks (depending on what I buy and in what quantity). And otherwise I’m looking at what’s on offer with the other shops (aldi, Lidl, Kaufland, Net, Rewe, if necessary Penny, Edeka, at the warehouse sale or at the rest post shop) and then see what I still have at home and plan my week rough. What I don’t get from the peasant, I’m getting fresh or as a TK product at Aldi/Lidl/etc.
Also cook for 2 days (e.g. Bolognese, chili, silice, etc.) and eat this for just 2 days or use it on the second day for other dishes (e.g. Bolognese once classic with spagetti, the next day as a run-up (e.g. lasagna or with potatoes). I also process ALL in my kitchen further what happens and is still good (e.g. leaves from Kohlrabi for mini Rouladen, carrot green for pesto, leaves from the cauliflower for cauliflower soup or vegetable pan, radishes come with in salads, peels of potatoes become chips, etc) and I also like to use fresh wild herbs to cook out (APPLICATION: so you should not forget
Cooking is also quite normal with me, however meanwhile meat-free or animal-free (and no my budget was not higher or lower until 3 years ago as now and then I still ate meat etc.). Say here give div. salads over soups/pots over div ups, currys, chili, boolognese, div. Rice/groove/potato dishes over pan dishes, oven dishes etc. practically everything. Lentil roasts/nut roasts with red cabbage and lumps or pizza, flame cakes, burgers etc. Everything about the very small budget and even now where prices have risen
In recent years, I have created a good stock of everything that can be preserved ( rice, noodles, div.u canned (passed/stucked tomatoes, corn, champions, jackfruit, chickpeas, Kidney beans, etc), div. lentils etc) and, apart from that, I also don’t throw away anything just because the MHD has reached but it is still normal.
If you really want to eat healthy, don’t buy poultry from the discounter. The price is around 25€/kg, for fillets at about 40€/kg.
Without meat, you can make it with 250€/mtl. to feed you balanced and healthy.
I spend between 90 cents and 3€ a day for food.
I eat only once a day.
I’m rolling brochures looking for special offers.
I run into many supermarkets and just buy the special offers.
If you buy everything in a supermarket, you’ll be poor.
I have 10 supermarkets within 1.3 km.
I cook with low-priced food.
Do you want to have good recipes from me?
Hallihallo 🙋🏻,
150 – 250 €.
depends on where and what you buy and
which claims you have and so on…
LG calibre
I would say 180-200€
Healthy nutrition is not expensive diet per se is expensive xD
So I eat classic bodybuilding like so protein rich etc.
In addition, I’ll only get my meat around the corner of the meatman, where I even know where the cow was standing a few days ago.
I’m here at EUR 300 a month. However, if quality and origin are not so important, it is also cheaper.