Wie viel Geld für ein Pferd?

Guten Abend zusammen,

wie viel Geld sollte man abgesehen von dem Kaufpreis eines Pferdes zurückgelegt haben?

Wie viel sollte man monatlich zur Verfügung haben, um sich ein Pferd leisten zu können?

Danke im Voraus

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11 months ago

We pay about 2,200€ for 3 horses a month. So in average 700€ monthly per horse. Depends on what a stall you want to stand. We have a lot of luxury, according to which the stable rental is also higher. my teaching is also more expensive than normal teaching is actually. Then it comes to whether the horse needs feed or medication. You should pay €700-800 in the month for a horse. I would reset a monthly 100-200€ if something happens, or something like that you just have money ready to invest!😊

11 months ago

I live already in a very expensive area, but I can easily count (also in the favorable stables) with about 1500. For 1 horse.

11 months ago

If you are standing in a favorable stable, have a healthy horse and only half a year the TA has to be inoculated, you will come up, incl. reserves, hoofschmied, additional food and riding lessons, say 500 €.

In theory.

In practice, there is hardly a horse that doesn’t have to go to TA regularly because there is something. In practice, even the small self-catering store costs 300 € every month.

So, relax with three times.

11 months ago

Depending on, I would expect stable rent +/- 350€, depending on TA, lessons, insurance etc

11 months ago

I would expect 800€ at least

11 months ago
Reply to  Lululoho6

At least. TA can also cost