Wie viel Geld braucht man mindestens, um in die USA auszuwandern?

Angenommen man hat ein Jobangebot in den USA und ein Arbeitsvisum bzw. eine Greencard.

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2 years ago

This depends on where you want to see how your standard of living is, how fast you find a job and how risky you are.

In the New York, LA and other popular areas, as with us, it is much more expensive than somehow “amidst nothing”. Whether it’s a living room or a restaurabt.

If you are ready to stay in a room with x strangers in a bad location, you have to plan less money than someone looking for a home or at least own room (Hotel, Airbnb..). If you want to do a lot at first (party, excursions, recreational design) you also need more than someone who moves it to later.

Who quickly gets a work permit and a job or even has something fixed when he comes and then starts quickly gets money in and needs fewer reserves.

Anyone who likes to go at risk needs to feel less than someone who wants to have covered the spontaneous and therefore more expensive return flight + accommodation and food for kp 4 weeks safely before he pulls the tear line and goes back.

It also depends on how long-term you plan. If you know it’s only 3 months there that you’re in some way out of trouble and then if necessary it’s different than if you’re planning to stay “forever” and therefore, if necessary, also want to start job loss, illness and other spontaneous problems on site without having to go to Pleite home.

Personally, I would like to emigrate to the plan “forever” in such a way that I am there with normal living standards 1-1,5 years could certainly get without revenue. Because any unthinkable costs will always come on site, which will further reduce the reserve, and if necessary, you could reduce the standard of living to save money.

This may then be achieved. costs still incurred here on site, e.g. an overseas container to ship your stuff over or, if necessary, a way to store them here first safely between them and later, if necessary, to pick up, costs for visas (e.g. travel to the consulate, if there is none with you in the city). Or banal things like tickets, etc.

Usually here all before you go, because if you leave the USA too early, it may be for private reasons.

So also think about the subject of friends & family, whether you can, for example, make it clear that someone who once dies is no longer able to see and not come to the funeral. Think about all this before, instead of when it comes to it and you’re emotionally overwhelmed. Or you can go out from a more beautiful case, even newly born children may never see personally.

Well-known of me have recently gone to Canada, not Germans. Since everything initially moved with some private and professional problems and they could only start months later than planned, they cannot leave the country for the next two years, otherwise they will not be allowed to enter. For they must have been the first I mean three and five years of certain time quotas in the country, and otherwise they will no longer be able to make it safe if there is something else. You just have to know that well before and decide whether you do it or not.

2 years ago

With the work visa:

Then you need what you need for the 1st month, plus cash for bails, possibly car and other purchases.

Greencard without a job: you need what you need for a year. I see $50,000 as a minimum, more than that.

2 years ago

Come call ig. Maybe 20k?

2 years ago
Reply to  Lamarama488

You need at least 50k upwards…