Wie viel Geld bleibt euch?
Wie viel Geld bleibt euch Vollzeit (Mindestenlohn) und als Single zur Verfügung, wenn Miete, Essen, Strom etc bezahlt ist zum ausgeben ?
Eine Bekannte von mir behauptet sie hätte ca 100€ nach allem Abgaben für sich
Wie viel Geld bleibt euch Vollzeit (Mindestenlohn) und als Single zur Verfügung, wenn Miete, Essen, Strom etc bezahlt ist zum ausgeben ?
Eine Bekannte von mir behauptet sie hätte ca 100€ nach allem Abgaben für sich
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Und zwar hab ich einen Vollzeitjob, den ich nicht kündigen möchte. Möchte aber nebenbei mehr unter Leute gehen, mehr von der Welt sehen und da kam mit der Gedanke Security im Sicherheitsdienst z.b wenn man auf Veranstaltungen, Konzerte, Partys etc eingeteilt ist sieht man schon sehr viel im Leben auf Dauer. Was meint ihr? Gute…
I worked from 2018 to 2022 for 30 hours a week and received around 1150 euros. After deducting the rent (social apartment) and all necessary expenses, I have had about 100 -150Euro each month, which I saved. At the end, about 3000 euros had come together.
I’m 35% off the salary, because I’m going to transfer it right away at the beginning, plus what’s left of the current budgets – a lot, nothing.
But this is crucial because I deserve very well, but I have not completely adapted my lifestyle to it.
A nice good evening, dear
I pay around 1,300 euros per month for fixed costs (apartment, car, insurance etc.), around 1,100 euros per year still counted. So KFZ insurance, household, taxes and one or other subscription etc.
I leave the latter and the right only with the monthly costs.
Then around 400 euros for food and drink (is a 600 euros budget with buffer for two people, usually we have 200 euros at the end of the month over)
Electricity pays my girlfriend, I am at Round about 1,700 euros per month.
I usually have about 1,900 euros per month for my salary. From this, go on to clothes, refuel (work remotely, therefore the tanking varies greatly) and what you still enjoy.
As a single one, I don’t have to settle down, because I guess there’s electricity and a couple of insurance companies like the duty to stick with the food. Bzw. then you can think about where I end up.
Best regards
After all expenses (movements, electricity, mobile, food, hygiene, clothing, travel, cultural pleasure etc.) I have always remained on average 300 to 400 euros a month, which have accumulated on my account. I also have to say that I had a very small apartment (35sqm), no car (only bicycle) and generally quite economical live (no make-up, no brand clothes, only a big holiday every three – four years…) and a good boss who has increased the salary from himself.
Grob overwhelms 1000€ according to all expenses. Of course not with minimum wage.
at 1300 € net (part-time) after deduction of the current living and living costs, I stay at 400 € per month.
Part I as follows
150 € Save for age, 100 € Save for vacation, 100 € Save for expensive equipment such as mobile phone, PC and household appliances
and 50 € for fun
It’s like “wintering” you can count on a lot of small or large – it depends on what you’re going to use for amounts.
About 600€, but not with minimum wage, I have read 🙈.
Am confused my acquaintance gets 1400 net at minimum wage 😮
Maybe so 1000€ after all the charges, but I still enjoy something more often
Am confused my acquaintance gets 1400 net at minimum wage 😮
Never that is not a minimum wage
I worked 32h the week and got nice in 1900 so also relatively little
At 40h a week the minimum wage should be 2100 you can calculate online
How much is this about nice?:o
The testimony of your acquaintances is plausible. In Düsseldorf, for example, one could not live from the minimum wage, as one would have to apply for an increase. In the country again, something could remain at the end of the month.