Wie viel gebt ihr für Weihnachtsgeschenke jedes Jahr aus?

Guten Abend, mich würde mal so interessieren, wie viel Geld ihr so für Weihnachtsgeschenke jedes Jahr ausgebt und ob ihr dieses Jahr evtl. etwas spart. Wir übertreiben es nicht mit Geschenken aber es kommt doch immer einiges zusammen. Mein Mann und ich schenken uns nur Kleinigkeiten, aber mein Sohn hat doch einige Wünsche und auch die Großeltern bekommen meistens etwas Besonderes oder nützliches von uns.

Freu mich auf eure Antworten.

Schönen Abend und guten Start in die neue Woche.

Liebe Grüße.

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2 years ago

The friendship book what my little cousin gets is the most expensive gift with 17 €.

Otherwise, there is a lot of Do it yourself – as has been for many years – and the raw materials are either already present or I have been able to buy very cheaply.

2 years ago

I’m currently at over 300,-€ and there’s still a lot missing.

2 years ago

Only the parents get what

1 year ago

I’ll find anything else exaggerated. The older the child gets the less I know what I can give. That’s where the sum goes down automatically.



2 years ago

I like to paint pictures for my parents, always something else 😁 That means that I don’t have to pay any money at all 😅 Did not have so much and I don’t really give anything to my siblings or friends who believe in Santa Claus 😅

2 years ago
Reply to  Fuchss09

I think it’s nice to give away completely individual, self-made gifts to his loved ones.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fuchss09

I used to do with my sister so that we gave our parents something self-made. I think I’m much more beautiful than buying something. At least younger children wouldn’t want them to spend their money for Christmas gifts.

2 years ago


2 years ago

approx. 500 € ..

2 years ago

We’re all grown up, we have everything we need and we haven’t been giving ourselves any more for Christmas for a long time.