Wie viel g Zinkchloridlösung würde bei 8g Zinkspäne entstehen (Stöchiometrie)?

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1 year ago


a reaction equation makes sense first:

Zn + 2 HCl –> ZnCl2 + H2

Thus, n(Zn)=n(ZnCl2) applies.

n(Zn) is calculated correctly. This corresponds to n(ZnCl2).

At m(ZnCl2) you have to count on the molar mass of zinc chloride:

m(ZnCl2)=0.122 mol • 136.29 g/mol

= 16.6 g.


1 year ago
Reply to  Leonie89278

Thank you for the award!

At c, the amount of zinc chloride corresponds to that of zinc (see reaction equation). Therefore, you can count on the values of zinc. If d is required, however, you have to count on zinc chloride because the quantity of substance is no longer sought.

1 year ago

How much g zinc chloridesolution

This partial task is not detachable since the concentration of the “500 ml hydrochloric acid” is lacking.

We do not know

  • whether the total 8 g zinc is sufficient
  • Which mass of the hydrochloric acid is added to the desired solution.