Wie viel g Zinkchloridlösung würde bei 8g Zinkspäne entstehen (Stöchiometrie)?
Hallo 😉
Ich hab hier eine Textaufgabe (Aufgabe c) und ich habe ein anderes Ergebnis als die Lösung. Es ist hier leider kein Rechenweg gegeben, deswegen kann ich die Lösung nicht nachvollziehen.
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Ich würde mich sehr über eine Antwort freuen! 😉
a reaction equation makes sense first:
Zn + 2 HCl –> ZnCl2 + H2
Thus, n(Zn)=n(ZnCl2) applies.
n(Zn) is calculated correctly. This corresponds to n(ZnCl2).
At m(ZnCl2) you have to count on the molar mass of zinc chloride:
m(ZnCl2)=0.122 mol • 136.29 g/mol
= 16.6 g.
Thank you for your answer! You really explained it. I find the problem somewhat very confusing because only the molar mass of zinc is taken at b) and c), but here at d) the molar mass of zinc chloride is calculated.
Thank you for the award!
At c, the amount of zinc chloride corresponds to that of zinc (see reaction equation). Therefore, you can count on the values of zinc. If d is required, however, you have to count on zinc chloride because the quantity of substance is no longer sought.
Very much, you’ve helped me a few times;) Thank you very much for this:) Okay, thank you very much! Now it’s more understandable for me.
This partial task is not detachable since the concentration of the “500 ml hydrochloric acid” is lacking.
We do not know