Wie viel Futter denn jetzt für Katze?
Unsere Hauskatze geht nie raus und wiegt 4kg.
Im Internet steht drauf, dass sie dann 200Gramm Futter benötigt doch unsere Tierärztin sagte, dass 100Gramm reichen, da sie den ganzen Tag zuhause ist. Stimmt das? Das kommt mir vom Schauen auch echt wenig vor morgens uns abends nur 50 Gramm.
please trust your feeling and give your cat 200 grams of food. This is absolutely correct.
There is also a calculation basis for this: 50kcalx4 Kilo body weight = 200kcal
As the usual wet food – if high quality – is 95kcal-102kcal/100 grams, you can feed 200 grams – 250 grams, depending on the feed.
100 grams is definitely too little and would put the cat on diet, which it does not have to weight.
Your cat’s good appetite.
Best regards 🙋 ♀️ +😺 +😺
It’s quite simple: if she loses, it was too little. My cats also weigh around 4kg and don’t even eat half their portion in warmth. That would be 42g.
Usually in the morning and evening there is a portion of wet food per cat, which is halved, in the afternoon there is a tablespoon of dry food. And if they steal the food, it’ll be right on the scale, and I’ll be ashamed of the next veterinarian appointment when the lips are scrubbed. “Well, that’s not a coat surplus. These are more bacons”
Do what the vet says best. On the Internet, this is only a rough target that you cannot refer to all animals/cats (which will be different in size and burn different calories). If you notice that the cat takes off, you can give her a bit more food and slowly touch the right amount. The best way to weigh them every week to see if the weight changes (after you have found the right amount, of course you don’t have to do it so often)
Do not trust feed details on homepage of feed manufacturers! They don’t care if your animal gets fat. I want you to buy a lot!
Put her a bowl with dry food (and of course also a drink, but I think that’s clear). I feed my cat in the morning, at lunch and at night or when she’s hungry. My cat is slim and she always eats as much as she’s hungry. Look how much your cat eats, cats are not like dogs. If they’re tired, they’re tired.
My could eat 400gram per day she always wants food
Then give her as much as she wants, but don’t stop too much. Do it as you think. At some point, that comes, “feeling.” Just make sure she doesn’t get too thick or too thin. :
That’s right. Most mieces are overweight.
Our cats get 300g a day and are all not thick, although the food is high quality. 200g is all right.
Please little to no trofu.
200g -250g moist food should be in. Would she weigh every two weeks and if she gets too thick on 150g without trofu. Always offer fresh water at Trofu and if Trofu then one with at least 60% meat content
If she’s not too thick, feed the same as ever. I don’t think about 100 grams. However, it depends on whether it still gets dry food or leak. 200 is too much. My cat got 85 grams daily and about 2x about 15 grams dry food.
My cats have been well-adjusted with 2 bags a 85 grams per cat + dry food! At the moment my Gina eats more than 3 bags!
So give dry food every day in the afternoon?
I have always had a small bowl filled next to the lining standing; all day!