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Klar, jeder mag sie anders. es geht hier um die Currywurst du jemals gegessen hast. Bitte nur, wenn du (gerne) Fleisch und Wurst verzehrst. Will hier keine veganappostel hören. Schreibt, wo ihr sie gegessen habt, warum sie euch so geschmeckt habt vielleicht auch – wenn ihr es noch wisst wann ihr dort gegessen habt.
Ersetzen vegane Alternativen für euch tierische Produkte?
Die Frage geht nicht nur an Fleischesser sondern auch an Veganer und Vegetarier, weil vegetarisch/vegan bedeutet nicht gleich das man auch pflanzliche Alternativen zu tierischen Produkte nimmt, außer eventuell pflanzliche Milch.
It actually gets less and less, even if I like it.
If, then only high-quality meat, usually organic or, for example, pork from the Hällische Landschwein. This seems to be more expensive, but is not sprayed with water and retains its size after preparation. This makes “billig meat” in the end often more expensive than in good quality.
I don’t eat meat at all because I just don’t like it. Besides, I’m sorry for the animals. I don’t miss it at all.
I find very admirable! 😉
About 5-6 times a week, but sometimes every day
I eat meat often nourish but also different. The meat often comes from our own farm, so for example in the chicken soup are our own chickens. I therefore have no bad conscience as I know how the animal has lived with us and how it was slaughtered (help also to slaughter).
I think that’s great, with the yard! (I wouldn’t get it over me!)
I don’t miss anything – neither taste, nor health, change or Balance or anything else…
On the contrary,
I’m super! It’s also good for the environment, you have to make sure you find everything in meat in other foods!
Thank you – The latter is(s)t no problem :
B12 I supplement – receive most farm animals also via feed additives and/or medicines…
Vitamin D during the sun-poor months should lead all people in northern latitudes – regardless of the diet…
at irregular intervals. If only meat from the butcher from the region. The cheap meat does not come to me on the table
Time and time. But I care about quality.
Me eating without meat is as good as never.
Eat meat almost every day.
Just like it’s healthy.
It tastes me, it is healthy and important for a balanced diet.
2-3 times a week
It’s a basic food!
If a court requires it and I want it. 😊
However, more meat than vegetables.
I’m Carnetarier.
is there really the word?
Why not and if there is now.
I eat 3x a day meat and I am very healthy.