Wie viel Fischstäbchen findet ihr normal zu essen?
Ich esse normalerweise min.7 und dann sagen manche das wäre viel😂.Findet ihr das auch?
Ich esse normalerweise min.7 und dann sagen manche das wäre viel😂.Findet ihr das auch?
Ich habe im Kühlschrank noch eine Curry King (Lidl alternative) Packung die aber schon seit 17 Tagen abgelaufen ist. Kann man die noch essen? Sie war nicht Tiefgefroren und ich kann sie nicht aufmachen zum riechen. Sie soll ja geschlossen in dir Mikrowelle (mit Piksern natürlich)
Wie macht ihr das immer?
Mit Salat, Pommes und scharfer Soße? Ohne Föeisch
Sie ist auf halber Höhe etwas dünner also schlanker.
Welcher Burger ist euer Meinung nach der beste und leckere?
So I can also squeeze 20 loosely and therefore find 7 not much.
Maybe it depends on what else you eat. Maybe you’re just in growth.
I always do five pieces. That’s enough. And that’s how it goes with the pack. I always have 15 pieces in it, that’s enough for three.
I usually eat 3-4 fish sticks. But these are also standards of my 12 year old I, which I have never changed because I hate change. I basically eat only one plate, so I would say that 7 are full within the framework, if you are anything else. Balanced diet and so
if there are also potatoes and vegetables, then 3 or 4 fish sticks are sufficient
Normal are 3-5, the latter already being quite much.
that is not even much even the full pack so 15 pieces I don’t think as much
If there are NUR fish sticks without noodles and vegetables, 10 would not make me sick, more than 15 to 20.
I’m really proud of you. Last time I was worried because you were always thinking about losing weight
I do
pure fish sticks, at least 20.. 10 – 15 with supplement. in the rule I make as many as fit into the pan. mostly this is an entire pack 20’er
Yeah, totally. Mega. Fish sticks are really huge, how can you do this without bursting?
I eat 5 pieces, as I eat potato salad.
7 – 8 pieces. Half pack.
I always do them in the oven on baking papers.
Fish sticks with potato puree and liquid butter.
I’ll take three with potato.
No one.
This shredded and re-closed stuff can only seriously like toddlers?!
I always have 5 on my plate!