Wie viel esst ihr so am Tag?
Also an Kalorien?
Ich will es so :
Ich vertrage kein Olivenöl
Hallo, ich frage mich wie es sein kann dass Mayonnaise ungekühlt gelagert werden kann, bis sie geöffnet wird. Ich weiß das das mit Haltbarkeitsmitteln funktioniert. aber was wird da genau genommen. Und warum kommt die Mayonnaise nicht drauf klar wenn sie dann geöffnet wird.
Kann mein thermomix gefrorenes Fleisch zerhaxeln oder geht er dann kaputt ?
On average around 2000 calories. This corresponds to my daily needs and thus I keep my weight. But that’s just the average, as I said. On some days I eat significantly more on others for this. Always depends on eating, how much hunger I have, how much I move on the day, etc….
I don’t count it because I don’t have to. I find it easy to pay attention to my feelings of hunger and saturation and I have rough values for food in my head anyway. If the scale goes up or down, I know what to do. Where upwards in my case would not be bad because I am in the lower normal weight.
I guess that’s a little 2,500 calories. For my age a lot, but I’m moving a lot too.
I always eat less than my doctor.
Estimated between 1000 and 1.250. When I counted that for a while, the highest thing was 1,500.
KA, I’m not counting anything like that. I’m not overweight or something.
Sorry if it sounds a bit rigorous
I don’t know exactly that, but I’m sure about 2,000 calories
My breakfast has 600-700 calories
I don’t count, but I should be too little.
My portions correspond to my level of appetite. I don’t count calories.
On diet 1700
Normal 2000 – 2300
Building up to 3000 kcal
1800 – 4000 kcal
How can you eat so much?
With the mouth normally. Crow and swallow.
I weighed about 78-82kg by the age of 25. Then increased by taking psychopharmacists. My appetite was destroyed. Got 6-7 diets behind me. After the stomach surgery, I decreased from 170kg to 125-130kg. I consume about 3500kcal a day due to my weight. I burn more alone in sitting than someone who weighs 80kg and only rightly more. I’m going for a walk, playing table tennis and swimming. I work as a teacher but it is underestimated that mental work also ensures high energy turnover.
Okay. Then I will answer normally
That was a normal question
If you ask such a provocative question. You don’t know
Haha very funny
I don’t care. I’m sure they’re a lot.
Pretty exactly 1000kcal a day.
Isn’t that a little?
That’s true, that’s really little. But I am very small, weigh not much, have little movement, am relatively old and have stopped smoking. All this together seems to lead to the fact that I’m still taking the 1000kcal, as I had to notice since the smoking stop 3 months ago.
Yeah, totally. But that explains why women have over 50 average (!) a BMI of 27. I don’t want to be overweight, so I have to stay with the food.
Still cramped. But good that you are healthy and quit smoking
Thank you for this valuable tip. Yeah, I let that check. It’s okay. No different values. I’m just in the changing years and I’d have to move more. And the smoker stop is estimated to bring 200 to 300kcal…
Did you let your thyroid values check? Even for the circumstances you describe, that’s too little. Could be a thyroid underfunction if you’re still on.
Ah, okay.
Normal white between 2000 and 2600 calories a day. I think everything under 1800 is too little and just sick.
Then you’re full.
I’m training up to 4 times a week… the mukis have to eat something too.
4000 calories, I’m a fighter.
I never counted that.
I don’t know, but certainly too much.
I never counted. 😊
1200 believer
straight enough
Hard to believe?
I don’t count calories!
Around the 1300kcal.
Poah, I don’t know. Is that 2.5k?