wie viel erspartes sollte man haben?
Ich werde jetzt 21 und ich habe 224 euro gespart. Meiner Meinung ist das zu wenig
Ich werde jetzt 21 und ich habe 224 euro gespart. Meiner Meinung ist das zu wenig
ich habe eine Frage kann ich heute noch mit Domainhandel Geld verdienen und soviel das ich mir viel leisten kann? Ich habe mir das so gedacht ich denke mir Domains aus bewerte sie mit adresso.de nach ihren Wert ich meine das was der geschätzte Wert der Domain ist. Registriere sie auf united-domains.de und verkaufe sie…
Hallo, habe keine Ahnung und deswegen hab ich paar fragen. Ich würde gerne Dogeverse Tokens kaufen. Wenn ich die gekauft habe und Sie auf meinem Metamask Wallet sind, was kann ich mit den Tokens tun? Und könnte ich diese Tokens auf Bitget übertragen?
Hi zusammen, ich bin so ein mensch der viel ausgibt für unnötige sachen.. und ich will das natürlich ändern jedes mal will ich sparen. Und ich schaffe es nicht und wenn ich ende des monats ausrechne wie viel ich ausgegeben habe dann bin ich schockiert. Habt ihr tipps?
Grüßt euch! Ich bin Verkäufer und habe sehr oft die Rechte 2€ Münze bekommen. Nichts ungewöhnliches soweit. Aber heute habe ich das gleiche Motiv von der im Bild sehnenden 2€ Münze auf einen 5 Cent Stück bekommen. Ebenfalls im Bild zu finden. Bevor ich sage dass es eine fehlprägung oder sowas wäre frage ich, ist…
Hallo zusammen, seit einigen Jahren zahle ich meine Immobilienkredit, bisher bereits insgesamt ca. 65.000€ bezahlt. Ich bin neugierig, ob ich diese Summe, die ich bereits an die Bank gezahlt habe, so zu sagen ‘ausleihen’ zwecks Investition an Wertpapier. Die Idee dafür ist von der Zinsunterschiede zu profitieren, z.B. Zinsen p.a. für Kreditaufstockung ca. 2.5% und…
Oder warum bewegt sich der Kurs nicht mehr? Kann mir das jemand erklären? viele dank
When do I count among the richest 10% of the total population in Germany:
· from a net budget of EUR 477,200 to this group.
· Under 30-year-olds you have already arrived at the top group with some 70,000 euros.
· The 30-34-year-olds already require 200,000 euros and the 35- to 39-year-olds need more than 300,000 euros to leave 90 percent of the peers behind.
In addition, I find:
· with 16 you should only have your pocket money
· with 18 you should have the money for the driving licence
· with 25 you should have your first 10,000€ to 15,000€
· with 30 perhaps already his 40.000€ to 50,000€
· with 40 you should already have your €150,000 to pay a property
· with 60 the property should be paid off
· with 67 you should retire with an additional €150,000.
This is quite conservative and many will even be clearly above that if one is successful in the profession.
The goals can be achieved much faster than alone.
I already had my first million euros of fortune and a paid house at 40. .
How to achieve that?
Just by working make career and save……
Or by happy heirs!
You had a good and highly paid job. That’s not a lot of luck. It is rather the exception not the rule. Unfortunately, for today’s young generation it is becoming increasingly difficult in the profession. And what heirs do the least.
Actually, the young generation has never been easier to work. You can choose your company more or less.
And the heritage has never been so high.
We live in the generation of heirs. Almost every third or fourth family has a rich fortune to inherit.
What are you doing? I want to become educators and I do not think I will ever have a mio let alone 10k
I was a banker.
The 100k should be the bigger problem for the owner, as the tenant can already pay the first euro.
7% are the typical returns for a globally spread stock portfolio. With market focus on, for example, the USA, there are also 10% to be expected.
Once you have recognized the potential of interest rate interest, you understand that you can build a six- to seven-digit fortune even at €200-300 a month.
Who wants to be wealthy, need to invest. Whether it is the investment in a property, in bonds or in shares (funds) plays a role in the end only for the amount. Shares have the advantage that they are also available for small wallets and on average generate the highest return.
And that’s exactly where the problem is 100 k you have to save. Unless one inherits, but most of the views are small. But getting 7% interest in the long term is already a daring thesis. This also involves a higher risk. And whether the property imposes a corresponding increase in value is also not said. You can be lucky with your investment strategy or not.
Yes, in practice. But this is because tenants usually don’t pay their money. Here is a very simplified invoice:
It’s about this example object: Quiet apartment: ground floor apartment with terrace and green area view (immobilienscout24.de)
€349.000 for 72qm.
For average rental costs per square meter in Augsburg of 12.75€ a monthly rental price 918 € :
If the buyer finances under the following conditions:
100,000€ Equity, effective annual interest: 3.8% (current average), term 25 years
The monthly rate of interest and redemption is then: 1.280€
Buyer: In the case of an assumed 2% interest rate per year (e.g. by an increase in value) on interest rate & redemption (1.280€), a total asset of 25 years would be 650.000 € :
tenants: 7% interest rate acceptedg on savings (1.280€-918€= 362€) would be a total asset after 25 years 800.000 € :
In both cases, €100,000 equity was taken into account.
So you see that after 25 years 362€ per month invested in the capital market compared to a residential property that saves 1.280€ per month, almost 200,000€ more total assets.
As I said, the bill is very simplified, but shows a tendency.
However, the requirement for both parties is an equity of €100,000 – and this is likely to be the biggest hurdle for both owners and tenants.
Right, yet the property of owner households is usually significantly higher than the property of tenant households. The high rents in the big cities and conurbation rooms unfortunately allow many to build no or only very small savings and wealth.
You’re right, that many came to their property through real estate, but that doesn’t exclude that you can’t do it as a tenant. On the contrary, many invoices show that tenants would theoretically even have the better chances of building assets if they would invest the savings compared to real estate financing on the capital market, as the return on real estate after inflation is only 2-3%, while the typical market interest is 6-7%. This is only the least. Real, therefore, it usually looks like owners are investing their capital with 23% real return (force) while most tenants do not interest their capital at all and use it instead for a higher standard of living. And for several decades there are differences in the six-digit range.
But who has no property and lives for rent can only build up little fortune and usually has hardly anything to inherit. Most assets are generated by real estate property. And as I said, more than half of the population do not possess residential property.
However, the sums to be inherited are usually rather small. And properties have less than 50% of German households
Yeah, that’s clearly far too little.
I am also of course, but is also strongly dependent on living conditions, parents, etc
Yeah, that’s very little.
Set up a continuous order and save 10-15% of your net income each month. With each increase in salary, your savings rate should also rise.