Wie viel erhält man als Liker?
Ich erhielt gestern eine dubiose Nachricht auf Whatsapp von einer indischen Telefonnummer.
Der Kontakt bietet mir eine nebenberufliche Tätigkeit an, als Liker.
Sina Deinert und zahlreiche andere TikTok – “Blogger”, so wie sie genannt werden, zahlen offenbar Unsummen für gekaufte Klicks.
Auf jeden Fall meint der Typ, dass ich pro geliktem Video 3,33€ erhalte, sofern ich den Like screenshotte und ihm als Beweis zusende.
Bei 3 solcher Likes inklusive verschicktem Screenshot erhält der Liker angeblich 10,00€.
Frage 1: Wer soll an diese utopische hohe Bezahlung glauben?
Frage 2: Was wollen diese Betrüger damit erreichen?
Frage 3: Wie viel muss der Blogger pro Like zahlen, wenn der Liker pro Like 3,33 bekommt angeblich und das Unternehmen (grin.co) auch noch etwas daran verdient?
You are, as it seems, an absolute newcomer on the Internet and have never really fallen on the snout. Believe experienced users when they write you “Finger Weg”. These are computers that randomly generate your phone grief, they write to you with a prefabricated text, you give them your personal information and you can do something else with it.
Do yourself a favor and do not respond to unknown numbers and do not click blindly on any links you don’t really know. The Internet and also the Messanger are a “playground” for hackers.
I don’t care! You burn your fingers. Look at my last post. Sit at -1000€ because of them. Police and bank can do nix. First it’s like it, you get money from it, then it’s prepaid tasks pay 30€ get 39€. If you don’t accept it then you won’t get 2€ per tt but 0.5€. Then the prepaid tasks are getting higher and stacking. With me 200€, then directly 760€ I pay the 2. I don’t get the first one back… I’ll pay everything I get commission on it. If I’ve paid everything, there’ll be another order to pay 1,860€ if I can’t forget my 960€.
I bet the euro that the guy who wrote you is a bot.
You can probably also send a dckpic and then come back as an answer “thank you for the likes please give your Paypal/Whatever you get money”
The purchased clicks and likes are simply bought by bot networks not by end users and not at all for such sums.
That would be a rewarding industry, especially in the third world.
If you learn something, you’re better off. Or do you want to scroll every day, like, make and send screenshots? Apart from that, this is scam and by no means real.
Leave your fingers off when you log in there, it’ll be really expensive for you.
What, why?
Behind such news are often criminal associations that try to find you a victim. You can fish out your WhatsApp number, a lightness for clever hackers, try to find out about this way your contact details and then you’ll get offers from young women who want to meet you and marry you. This mash is old and many men still fall in it. If then the journey is to begin, you will pay the alleged flight and any overnight stays, the alleged person will never arrive with you and you are hundreds of euros, because the recipients are not to be found.