Wie viel Einkommen für 300.000€ Kredit?
Hallo 🙂
Wie viel Einkommen monatlich bräuchte man für einen Kredit von 300.000€ für den Kauf einer Wohnung. Ersparnisse etwa 30.000€…
Auto ist durch Firma finanziert, sonst sind meine Fixkosten nicht hoch.
Im Internet finde ich nichts dazu! Lieben Gruß
Only income is not done. Your total bonus must be right. The property must also vote. Your 30,000 EK doesn’t even cover the purchase costs. Largely, about 3,000,- net income is sufficient for the 300,000,- mortgage. For 4% interest and redemption, this is then 1,000,- Euro monthly rate/rent.
Okay, with the loan calculator the 30,000€ minimum EK, so it would be about 1200€ mtl.
Would it be more likely to get such a loan with his partner? Or should the common income be even higher?
I wouldn’t have a nice 3000€ alone.
Forget the online calculators when they get involved. There’s only your bank. 1200 are quite expensive. My 1000 were already, with over 3% eradication, at the border.
Of course, 2 borrowers are better than a borrower.
Under 3000 you should not take a mortgage. Even though it may be offered attractively.
On the Internet you find loan calculator.
I don’t think it’s called a loan in apartments.
I can only recommend the computers. There you can see how much equity you need, what duration you should expect, and how much you should pay back in the month.
In such a case, you go to the bank and you can expect what is possible.
In fact, the partner should come with his documents if you don’t have 3,000€ net on your own.
This would be possible with the partner.
The question is whether we really want to go through the financing with the partner who hopefully remains.
There are good answers from you, too?
Why? I just have good answers!
I’m sorry. I’m still in the company.
Thank you. Tonight, Germany plays Italy in the ZDF! Don’t miss 20:45.
OK and Gruss to Mannheim.