Wie viel € gibst du maximal für Schuhe aus?
Ich gebe maximal 30 für Schuhe aus. Meine jetzigen Kosten 25€.
Ich gebe maximal 30 für Schuhe aus. Meine jetzigen Kosten 25€.
Hallo zusammen, wer von Euch, egal ob m/ w/ d zieht jetzt im Herbst und Winter ne Strumpfhose oder lange Unterwäsche in der Schule unter der Hose an? Wer wurde schon mal “erwischt”? Was waren die Reaktionen und Eure Erfahrungen? Ich weiß, dass die Frage schon 10.000x gestellt wurde, aber ich fand bisher noch keine…
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Soll ich mich impfen lassen? Ist es sinnvoll, auch wenn man schon Sex hatte (ohne Kondom)? Bin weiblich und jünger als 18. Ich hoffe, jemand kann mir helfen und weiß dazu etwas. Umfrage ist zur Frage: Soll ich mich dagegen impfen lassen?
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So my last 2 pairs of shoes are the one pair up to about 20€. And the others from Second Hand came to about 15€.
For the all-weather area, I still have shoes that cost over 100€.
I’d be close at 150€. Then they have to look really horny, and make up what.
My work shoes cost 240 €. The best shoes I’ve ever worn; I can be on my legs for 24 hours without hurting my feet. Cheese feet are not a topic for me anyway. And with so much wearing time, it’s also crisp that a couple lasts his 4-5 years.
So absolutely worth every euro. I’d like to spend.
I also have cheap shoes for 30 € in the shoe rack. First of all, they realize that they were cheap and secondly, after half a year, they’re half broken, even though I haven’t worn them every day. This was clearly ‘rought money, which will soon be replaced by what is ordinance.
I regularly buy new running shoes because I replace them after half a year. Running lots and running shoes should be replaced every 600 – 1000km depending on the shoe. You have them together quickly when you walk regularly.
So 140 € for a pair of everyday shoes. I also wear them for 2-4 years and have only another pair of similar value to the alternative.
Since I have shoe size 47.5 (sometimes 48, depending on how it is) I have to take what I can get. In normal shoe business, everything stops at 46 or 47. And in 47 I just don’t fit in around a few cm! Appropriate shoes with corresponding sizes carry either pensioners or people who go to a business meeting. It’s very frustrating. So I only order online and buy what I like. I generally own only 2 pairs of shoes plus garden shoes. That’s why I’m not buying shoes. From the price segment everything was already in, from 14,99€ to 180€.
I’ll pay you 150€.
Bye Bye 👋🏼
With me, apart from slippers and slippers, no pair of shoes costs less than 150 €. But I only have 4 pairs of shoes. Winter shoes made of leather with rabbit fur 200 €, summer shoes and sandals made of genuine leather per 150 € and my garden shoes (work shoes) also made of genuine leather for 220 €. A repurchase takes place only when the old shoes are broken, i.e. I wear the shoes for a few years.
It depends on what shoes it is. My last few shoes have now cost 360€ my most expensive couple 990€ but these are usually shoes that are limited or shoes that you don’t often see.
(with a sneaker head so I give so much money for such treters)
Up to 200€ basically, but I would pull the pain limit at 250€. But they have to be able to do a lot.
A very good sole (Trail), watertightness (Gore-Tex), cushioning and very light are just a few criteria, not to forget, several years should also hold them.
Hello, Assasin03.
For a good shoe I spend up to 160 €. A shoe should be comfortable, have good workmanship and look good. I don’t like plastic at my feet.
Quality has its price.
💕 greetings star
It depends. I got those from StockX the original around the 700 got this for 390. But for normal shoes 150 at most
I’m always needed to buy it and it’s up to five to ten euros.
Good shoes are important to me and last for years. My limit is 200 €.
€120. They hold about 1 to 1.5 years and then I’ll get a new pair of Main shoes.
I guess up to a maximum of 120€
I wear the shoes for a while
50 to 100 who also hold.
the last were given by the company CAT the cost original about 100-200 euros, but also have several years of quality and I have breathable shoes.
250€ sometimes more
80 to 90 euros.
Max. 300 euro
I wear shoes from German production from Seibel. Hold on.
Interesting, prices are fine, your experience?
Very comfortable. Super-processed
Sooo.. my currents have cost 90 :3
Daaaaaas does not answer the question 😩
That is true:>
I think my limit is 3500 (╯⸝⸝•⸝⸝⸝⸝ )╯( ┻━┻)
I am rich ദ്ദി(˶˃ ˂˶ ˂˶ ˂˶)
Oh man, poor Lena 🫳🫳🫳
That’s what yuna wants to tell me sometimes 😭😭😭😭😭
*Lena bonk*
Menno (withdrawal)
So “is supah” the emoticon certainly does not express… rather a confused speechlessness… quasi a “what the hell does he want from me now?!”
I don’t know
Yuma sends me that often and I always cry because I don’t know what she means 😭😭😭😭
Is supa
What do you mean? 😭
not good? 🥺
You didn’t know what a helmet was?
You must certainly hear a lot more means of Alta…
Dangerous bellows is, for example, a pretty banger!
Must have googles what is scary
I am not.
You may have hope 🫠
but yes, I know you’re a schelmian liar 🤭
Wait is true you already know meega long 😭😭😭😭
Even longer than Luna paha 😭😭😭
If only one day :3
So, then you should know that I sometimes have a little flunker on the subject of money
Well… well… we’ve known each other for a long time and so… and they’re a soul, even a person,
duuu… could give me a bit of your wealth 👉👈
For good shoes I spend up to 100 euros.
Up to 130 euros.