Wie viel “down payment” müsste ich bezahlen, wenn ich in Texas ein Haus für ca. 500.000 USD kaufen möchte, aber noch keinen Credit Score habe?

Direkt nach dem Auswandern hat man ja noch keinen Credit Score.

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6 months ago

No credit without Credit Score.

Or only in the case of credit sharks of the gangs, which, however, may simply change the rates and you pay or they hack you (or your relatives, if with partner or child there) a finger for warning. So you should avoid that and ask only real banks.

Immigrants have either someone on site where they can start or live in the hotel, cheap motel or rent until they have built up a sufficient credit score.

5 months ago
Reply to  testwiegehtdas

No, emigrants can already buy a house in the USA from Germany. Simply borrow and repay in Germany and then emigrate.

5 months ago
Reply to  Dresdenhallo

Then find a bank that does it, just if you’re not on site and can’t monitor everything. The Bank is therefore not rated as an own use, but as an investment.

Who knows what’s happening to the house in the meantime if you’re not on site. In addition, the exchange rate risk comes, but when investing in USD credit, as a private person, it is more likely to be denominated in euros, so you should be informed about the corresponding hedge.

In addition, many want to emigrate “now”, not only in 20 years when the house is paid off. Especially since you may have expensive “LA” prices when buying, but not the corresponding income from there. This is more likely to happen if you “do not move anywhere” where lower purchase prices are.

So it won’t be so easy for many.

6 months ago

You won’t get a loan right after you emigrate. Say stay in rent and build a creditscore as soon as possible. Especially at the beginning with many credit cards that are frequently used and always equalized, so that a positive credit behavior is built up.
after a few years you can think about buying

6 months ago

$500,000 because you wouldn’t get a loan anywhere.

6 months ago
Reply to  DummeStudentin

Your problem, not the problem of local banks. You’d be a high-risk customer, why you should borrow one cent.

6 months ago

Houses in the United States don’t seem to be safe. They lose their value faster than you can say hi. It’s worth a reason, but you don’t have it here.

6 months ago

You should:

$500,000, because you don’t get a loan.

6 months ago

Credit Score in the USA – A Theme for Germans in America (lebenindenusa.com)

is already crazy in the USA… without Credt score, no credit

a small little bit is to help the American Express credit card, which can be converted into a US credit card in the US to build the positive score

6 months ago

You won’t get a loan.

6 months ago
Reply to  DummeStudentin

Yeah, maybe.

3% more interest.

6 months ago
Reply to  DummeStudentin

No. No credit score = death sentence.

6 months ago

No, everybody buy. Because they just borrow money from the bank.

66% EQ, each third is still tenant.

We’re 50%.

6 months ago

Renting isn’t great either, they’re just telling you that you don’t think about why more ownership is only 50%.

6 months ago

Maybe they live for rent and have the money for a car.