Wie viel darf gepfändet werden n?
Ich habe Schulden wegen meiner Ex..
Die Schulden belaufen sich auf 4000€… Nun droht mir eine Pfändung! Ich verdiene 2000€ Netto..
Wie viel darf nun gepfändet werden? Ich bin verzweifelt und falle wieder in ein tiefes Loch
Hi, a bond and a bond protection account ruins your credit.
If you don’t have the possibility of a small loan at your bank. to use the dispo and pay the debt before a deposit? You would have done that in a few (3-6) months. Of course, the creditor(s) can also negotiate a rate payment.
So, if possible, don’t let it come to the door!
The other responders have already written about the deposit-free amount, you would have taken 500-600€ “away” or so, you can use it for a simple deposit.
How high is the fixed amount/free allowance? The invalid basic amount (free allowance) shall be: to 30. June 2023 monthly 1.330,16 Euro. The amounts relate to the net income of the data subject.
Up to what amount may a wage be paid?
Open P account: How to do it
At the Sparkasse you can use your existing Account convert into a P account in a local branch. A button is available online to arrange an appointment with your consultant. In this, he informs you about the consequences of a transformation and checks whether you really need the protection of attachments. Then he will submit a form you sign. The conversion goes fast: until the deposit-free limit on your account reaches a maximum of 2 working days.
A P-account automatically provides protection against imposition1.410 EURper calendar month. Additional amounts may be released for proof1. The allowance limit depends on the number of persons subject to maintenance. From 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024 is the lowest bond-free limitEUR 1.409.99a month. For each dependent person (up to 5), it increases.
That means: A net income of 0 dependantsEUR 1.409.99are not fed monthly
Grob 600 € mtl.
Do you have the debt in almost 1/2 year from the back 🙂
from 01.07., a little more than 400€ will be pledged for a net earnings of 2,000€. (wage allowance).
From 01.07 on account 1,409,99€ will be released if the account is managed as a P account.
there would be 590€.
Make a comparison with your creditors. Maybe you can reduce the debt to 3k Euro. 4k Euro, as a user wrote right here, are not much money. Just ask relatives and friends for help and then pay the money back in rates.
4000€ are not much. Go to the creditors and provide them with advance payment.
Throw all my wages