wie viel bier sind in ordung?
Es ist jetzt nichts mehr los auf den strassen und müsste eigentlich noch mit dem traktor nach hause. Ich kenne den dorfpolizisten also über strafe muss ich mir keine sorgen machen. Die Frage ist ab wie viel bier ist es unmoralisch noch zu fahren?
Alcohol in road traffic can never be okay.
It happens every day and everywhere in the world bad, it dies too many people and animals just because the last beer was still “right”.
I like to drink beer, two or three, but I’ve never been, even 1 km when I drank a sip of beer that day.
If you have to drive, you should acquire a spark of discipline in dealing with alcohol.
The same applies to any other drugs, and many drugs – especially psychopharmacists. Incomprehensible to me why there are no punishments if you drive under drug flow!
moral?hast experienceable with alcohol? I drink when I drive at most 2 light white beer there I was always blowing around the 0.1 promille and this has never been enough
From the second bottle, since you can no longer react sufficiently quickly in a dangerous situation or enter dangers that are unreasonable.
This is Saturday.
All beers are fine.
Watch the picture and Kojak:
Curry sausage with pommes.
Car? Tractor ? Stand up!!!
https://efahrer.chip.de/e-wissen/promille Limit-im-auto-this-alcohollimit-gilt-am-steuer_102942#:~:text=In%20Germany%20givet%200%2C5,the%20Vehicle%20g order%C3%A4%C3%9F%20great20.
So I am with the traktor austere I know very well that it is not allowed purely by the law but that is taken so accurately with us on the village net
If you get caught, you have the consequences to bear, whether in the village or in the city.
He also has to comply with regulations.
as said punishment I don’t need to fear the polizist is my croissaint