Wie viel Bandbreite benötigt ein 8K-Bild mit 30 FPS, und reicht die maximale Übertragungsrate eines HDMI 1.4-Kabels dafür aus?
Wie viel Bandbreite benötigt ein 8K-Bild mit 30 FPS, und reicht die maximale Übertragungsrate eines HDMI 1.4-Kabels dafür aus?
Hello Timo,
This is definitely not possible. 😥
HDMI 1.4 creates a maximum of 4k with 30 FPS. These are only 25% of what you need. (8k @30FPS)
I recommend looking for a solution that dominates 8K @60FPS both Devices and the cable at least HDMI 2.1
8K has a resolution 7680×4320 pixels. Each pixel has 3 colors per typically 8 bit (1 byte).
This results in nearly 800 Mbit/s per image. For 30 FPS, it is then almost 24 GBit/s per second.
HDMI 1.4 transmits about 8 GBit/s.
With 3 cables, your plan would be possible.
Depending on the color depth (e.g., HDR) or color coding, the entire bandwidth can still change.
You need about 30 Gbits regardless of which transmission standard you want to choose. But this is now the only restriction.
For 8k, you should have over 50 Mbits.
It’s not about the Internet.
Isn’t it about bandwidth?
There are two questions.
Both in the title and in the text. And nicely separated with a comma.
It is explicitly asked about the transmission with HDMI 1.4. The cable doesn’t have enough band width. That doesn’t work what he’s up to.