Wie viel Abstand in Metern muss man beim Parken zum Vordermann haben manche Fahrlehrer sagen das man die Reifen noch sieht das hilft mir mehr?
Wird mir der Fahrlehrer die Methode erklären die ich am besten kann? Kann Meter schlecht schätzen muss ich das können am Anfang? Muss man bis ans Kennzeichen fahren? Bis wo darf man aufs Auto auffahren beim Parken vorwärts?
The road regulations clearly stipulate that parking is space-saving – if you still see the tyres of the front man, you can hardly be talking about space. On the other hand, no one can be impeded or harassed more than according to the circumstances, the distance must be so large that the front man should be able to leave the parking space without damage (and one of them will also help you later).
You can see the tyres for stopping at traffic lights and so you have space to make room for rescue forces with blue light.
Ask your instructor that you may get out or he will instruct you and show the distances.
He should have room to get out. Of course you don’t drive as far as you can.
If you reach the point that he has to arrange more than twice to get out, you have disabled him (§1(2) StVO).
There are certainly detailed instructions on Youtube how to park best. And leave so much space for the other to come out. Emergency exit and look at this from the outside.
that’s different.
If the front man is not allowed to park in front, you can theoretically park to almost zero.
Of course, you have a problem if there’s one behind you.
Best so you can park without resetting
You just have to leave so much space that the front man is still coming out.
Tires/lights etc… as a feature I wouldn’t, because this is different for every car.