wie viel abnehmen bis bauch? flach ist?

hey leute

ich möchte abnehmen doch ich weiss nicht wie viel gewicht ich verlieren muss damit mein bauch dünn ist ich bin 15 jahre alt 161 cm gross und 75 kg schwer

ich wollte 20 kg abnehmen dann würde ich 55 kg wiegen… oder ist das zu wenig?

schreibt mir mal gerne eure meinung

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2 years ago

It is not possible to remove in the abdomen, at which points one determines first and last decreases the genetics.
Besides, it doesn’t matter how much Kg you take off, but what you take. It can also be that your belly becomes flatter if you only take 10kg there. But in order to lose fat at all, you need to get into the calorie deficit, feed you healthy and make sports.

2 years ago

Hm, in the picture you have a really beautiful figure (in my opinion). You don’t have to take off visually.

But if you feel so uncomfortable, you have a lot of space down. 20kg less seems to me a bit much. Try 10kg. This is much less, but not too thin.

2 years ago

55kg would be absolutely fine at 161cm.

But please don’t rush over, weigh up to a maximum weekly, more than every 14 days at the same time.

Renounce soft drinks and industrial sugary food.

Make some endurance sports and give your body time.

And if you take only 2 kilograms a year, this is the best way.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wiesel

You mean 2 kg a month?

2 years ago
Reply to  Spikeman197

I think my car correction doesn’t deceive so badly that would be a month!

2 years ago

Yes, is very healthy when it slows down and massively reduces the danger of the jojo effect.

2 years ago

Then, in your opinion, should she lose the 20 kg within 10 years?

2 years ago

Find that looks so good about me, you should just stay that way.

If you don’t feel so comfortable I’d lose 5-7 kg then it feels better for you to think about

2 years ago

A thick abdomen is not flat from calorie saving, but from leaving gluten (=glue white), an anti-nutrient that also contributes to slimming.

Gluten-containing cereals are contained in pastries and in many finished products as well as fast food.

Here is something Information.


I think you don’t look too thick, but you alone must feel comfortable.

2 years ago
Reply to  Spielwiesen

A thick belly is not flat from calorie saving, but from leaving gluten

That’s really wrong. Most Europeans can digest gluten and then swallow nothing. In addition, a “braking” does not produce a thick belly.

2 years ago

The mere number of weight and volume of the abdomen are not as strong as you think. Exercise and define the areas without setting a weight target – is more relaxed and mental healthier.

2 years ago
Reply to  sagacious

Although you can’t just say, “I want to have the belly thinner, no more.” As you say, it sounds like you could choose where to take off. You can’t. Once you are slim, you can define certain areas via muscles.

2 years ago
Reply to  LoverOfPi

As you say, it sounds like you could choose where to take off.

No, that’s not what it meant. The recommendation to train is intended to provide a calorie deficit which is generally accepted; Once this has been achieved, the abdominal muscle and other can be defined.

2 years ago

You can watch it every day and guess if it’s enough. You don’t look so hard.

2 years ago

You don’t weigh 75kg. Got 78 and I’m significantly thicker although I’m a bit bigger 🧐

2 years ago

I’m as big as you and weigh 57kg. I am not muscular and my BMI is clearly more than 20 – I do not know very slim. Just normal. 55kg would be a good target for you at your age. But reduce your weight slowly and reasonably and with a good food selection.

2 years ago

An optimal weight would be 52 – 54 kg.

2 years ago
Reply to  Curasanus

How do you get that number?

2 years ago

You don’t have to lose weight. Your belly is flat.