Wie verwende ich einen Grover-Code?
Guten Tag, weiß jemand vielleicht, wie man den Code ‘Neu100’ bei Grover einlösen kann? Wenn ich auf ‘Bestellen’ klicke, werde ich direkt auf PayPal weitergeleitet, um zu bezahlen. Allerdings steht nirgends, wo ich den Code einlösen kann.
If you put the item in the shopping cart.
There’s nothing about entering a certain code.
Yes. You click when you are logged in on “In den Warenkorb” -> “Next to overview” and then the overview appears in which the code can be entered at the top right of the page before you click on “booking” at the bottom left.
Hello, I did it! You had to click on “Contact” and “Payments”. After that one was redirected. But thank you again!
You logged in?
When I click on “Overview” I will be forwarded to PayPal. There I find the options “tune” and “numbers”, but there is no code displayed.