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With a sunglass
Yes but it will soon fall and that is a bit strange when I carry him home a sunbrile
Well, you’re your own fault, and if you’re not your own fault, you don’t need to hide anything. And otherwise you just have to live with it. Or buy you colored contact lenses.
Because of what substance? LSD? I hope your consumption (now only related to cannabis) does not take any harmful proportions if you have to hide it… Please self-reflect.
In case of doubt, you were with the ophthalmologist and he gave you eye drops.
I don’t take anything but will probably take cannabis soon and I don’t want to notice the other
As I said, well self-reflect. At your age (now not the 1907 in the bio xD) you shouldn’t consume the security-wise regularly. I don’t think you’ll be able to stop trying. In the (biological) adult age, it would not be a problem.
Not at all. When you consume drugs that result in a pupil enlargement, you get to know if you are asked. Most of the time, you’re not being asked because nobody notices anything.
Then, unfortunately, you are not properly informed.
Don’t cry.
Kiffen and big pupils?? Where do you live 😂 you mean LSD, KOKAIN, SPEED, ECSTASY, etc. There are RESULTS and GLASIGE eyes following