Wie verstärkt man WLAN Route Signal der keine sichtbar Antenne hat?
Ich sitze schön im Garten und habe hier sehr schlechten Empfang
Ich sitze schön im Garten und habe hier sehr schlechten Empfang
kann mir jemand sagen ob happymod sicher ist? Ich will mir dort Toca boca holen, bin mir aber nicht sicher ob es sicher ist. Danke schonmal für die Antworten 🙂
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There are so many ways you won’t stay here.
Most consumer products from routers are designed to provide more or less a thirsty dressing.
Even if no antenna is visible, there is always one.
Mostly, however, it is executed on the circuit board as a conductor and does not really have a profit factor.
If you are technically talented, you can identify the HF output and attach a BNC socket to the housing and thus operate an external antenna with a few dB gain.
You’re moving in a legal grey area. In a modification, you will lose the warranty and you also have to make sure that you do not produce secondary mail with an external antenna. So just something for electrical technicians who know each other.
Then you still have the option to install a WiFi repeater. This is like a parrot repeating all sent and received packages. The disadvantage is that the data rate is more than halved by this installation.
Or you put a LAN line in the garage or garden house and install an access point there. This will be the most stable solution.
Hello Schulzefa,
as has been written here, an access point or a repeater can be set up. Even better than an ordinary repeater it is a MESH network to set up. In contrast to a normal repeater, this does not significantly lose bandwidth.
We are happy to answer any questions.
Best regards
Like all radio signals – with an amplifier (amplyfier).
It’s just stupid that you can’t use anything like that in Germany, as all WLAN products are already sparking on an approved maximum power.
You could try to expand the radio range with a repeater – which amplifies nix – but repeats the radio signals of a WLAN network.
So only so far away where he still has maximum reception from the home base.
In doubt, several repeaters can also be cascaded. (In any case, with AVM products – I have not tested those of the competition personally so far – I am not Krösus. 😉
Either with a “better” antenna or via “Access-Point” (also known as “repeater”).
Access Point OR Repeater.
An access point and a repeater are 2 totally different things.
Thanks for the hint, have a correction attached.
Nothing to thank, always like to help.
As suggested, a repeater is a solution.
Alternatively, you could see how far you get a LAN cable towards the garden and introduce an access point in the house. This would probably be the most ideal solution.
Try to glue aluminum foil under the routers.
Wireless access point.