Wie vermeide ich Urin auf Unterhose ist die gebetswaschung gültig in dem Fall?
Guten Tag. Ich habe das problem das ich nach dem Urinieren wenn ich die Gebets Waschung vollziehe beim heben meines bein zum Waschbecken ab & zu 1-2 Tropfen Urin ausscheide. Habt ihr Tipps wie ich das vermeiden kann? Nach dem Urinieren drücke ich zwischen Hosen und After und streiche richting Schaft, das holt einige Tropfen noch raus und anschließend wasche ich mein Glied mit Wasser unten trockne es aber bei der gebetswaschung danach kommt es zum besagten Problem .
Sollte nur minimal Urin auf die Unterhose oder so kommen, ist es nicht so schlimm. Ansonsten soll man aber schauen, dass die Umgebung sowie die Kleidung frei sind von menschlichen oder tierischen Ausscheidungen. Orientiere dich hieran:
Quelle: https://d1.islamhouse.com/data/de/ih_books/single/de_Auszuege_aus_Sahih_Al_Bukhari.pdf (S. 60)
After you have cleaned yourself (Istinja’), you should spray some water on your underwear so that when you notice moisture, you can say that it is the water you sprayed into your underwear.
Jabir (may Allah be satisfied with him) said: The Messenger of Allah صلالله عليه وسلم performed Wudu and then marvelled his intimate area with water.
• [Sunan Ibn Majah 464]
Ibn Qudamah (may Allah be gracious to him) said: “It is recommended to caress the shameful parts and the trousers with water to expel intrusive thoughts.”
Hanbal (May Allah be gracious to him) said: “I asked Ahmad: I do Wudu after I cleaned myself, and I feel that I have rendered my Wudu invalid. He said, If you want to make Wudu, then take to calm your mind, a handful of water, and bespoken to your intimate domain, and do not respect him [the intrusive thoughts], then he will disappear in sha Allah.”
• [Al-Mughni 1/115]
“The Hanafis, Schafi`is and Hanbalis explained that it is recommended for a person who has cleaned himself with water (Istinja’), to caress their intimate areas or their trousers with some water, in order to prevent intrusive thoughts, so that if he develops any doubts, he interprets these wetnesses as being safe from sprinkling with this water.”
• [Al-Mawsu`ah Al-Fiqhiyah 4/125]
Barrak allahu feek! Thank you for taking the time and explaining it in detail
Maybe you should put a tissue or toilet paper in your underpants.
there is no talk of intimate washing
the excretion of urine makes the washing but invalid therefore I ask and with urine in the underpants is as far as I know my prayer is not valid because my clothes are unclean
You always use toilet paper and don’t piss yourself in.
I wash myself and then use toilet paper, but with “more demanding movements” comes 1 droplet sometimes after
Then you’re not doing it right. There’s nothing going on when you’re done.