Wie verlief eure erste Periode?
Hi ich wollte mich nur mal erkundigen wie eure erste Periode verlief. War sie eher schlimm? wo fand sie statt? Hattet ihr binden dabei?
Hi ich wollte mich nur mal erkundigen wie eure erste Periode verlief. War sie eher schlimm? wo fand sie statt? Hattet ihr binden dabei?
Und das es auch noch super gut aussieht?
könntet ihr mir tipps geben für das erste mal seine tage
Hallo, ich bin 14 Jahre alt und habe seit einem halben Jahr meine Tage. Eigentlich kommen sie relativ regelmäßig und sind immer 7 Tage lang. Heute ist der 6. Tag meiner Periode und sie hat plötzlich aufgehört. Kann ich so schwimmen gehen? Ich habe nämlich jeden Mittwoch schwimm Training und war letzte Woche schon nicht…
Kann ich da etwas dagegen tun? Oder gibt es sonstige Möglichkeiten, dass es nicht noch weniger wird?
hallo 39 grad fieber in der 32 schwangerschafts woche notarzt rufen??
On the same day I had still brown effluent. That was also the main thing that made me stubborn. At noon, I had a stomachache of about 20 minutes, as you might know from a low-fat or something. In the evening I just got the feeling I was supposed to go to the bathroom and I got her the first time. I’ve bleededed quite strongly for 7 days, but no complaints. There’s something going on in the belly, but nothing else. Soon I would have to get my 2 and hope she stays so👍🏼
I was 12 and then with my grandma on the way to a salt grotto that read the visitors free of charge.
Even when I was driving, I had some slight cramps.
I had to go to the toilet before entering the actual salt grotto (because I realized I got diarrhea, this was with me a symptom of the period) and therefore I am on the guest toilet. There I looked like usual in my slip and saw some blood on it. I knew what that was and my brain immediately told me, “You have your period”
I then tried to spit it a little and put toilet paper in the slip. My grandmother, who wondered where I stayed, knocked on the door and asked if everything was okay. I only replied, “I’ll be right” that I did. She stood at the front of the checkout where the owner of the salt grotto sat behind the registration, but I didn’t care so I went to my grandma and said: “I got a problem” and replied to her requests with “I got my days” the owner only looked at me somewhat confused and asked my grandma what to do now and whether I had nothing else to do (I always had something but not exactly on the day).
We are then to a pharmacy that had only tampons and so we have to ask a postman where the next supermarket was (we did not know each other in the area)
Finally, we bought bandages (unfortunately without wings because I simply took the pack my sister also used and they prefer it without wings, I like more those with wings) and are a café that had toilets. I then got another ice cream from my grandma and we’re back to the salt grotto and then we can finally make our actual project there.
My grandma told my mother. My mother didn’t squeeze me any more because she knew I’d get it.
Was a bit of chaotic, I know, but the day was also just plagued by obstacles. After that, we went to a museum and there I lost my then keyboard handy 🤦🏼 ♀️
Yes, there are better days to get the first period, but then everything worked and swung somehow.
Beautiful day still ☺️
When I first had my days, I thought I had such bad crows in the evening before, I had to die… was around the 13 or 14 years old
Got them at home. My mom gave me ties. But the cramps are worse today than before, really bad. Heat always helps me
How did your mom know?
She had her days and she had something for security. I told her
What does the doctor say?
What are you saying?
They belong to it. Endometriosis is of course a possibility but was never searched for
Because of the pain?
I got my days at school for the first time.
I was 11 years old. We had the last two hours of sports and I had the feeling that it was so wet between the legs. So more than the usual outflow. I went to the bathroom and had a huge spot in the underpants. I’ve bleededed a lot from the beginning.
Of course there was nothing at that moment because we had the dressing rooms on top of it and I had to get the key from the teacher. That was very embarrassing at the moment. To ask.
So I stuffed a proper portion of toilet paper into my panties and hoped that nothing would be wrong. It was also very unpleasant that I had to go home after the sports class. The bad thing was that I was wearing a white pants this day, not as sports pants, but as normal jeans. I then dressed them again after the sports class and ran home. Thanks to God, nothing has gone.
I took a tie at home and told my mom.
I remember that it was definitely a Tuesday, because the same day I had riding lessons. That was quite uncomfortable with Binde.
Thank God I was prepared and enlightened and knew what was going on and what that is. I also told my friends and my mates. And never made a secret about it. It’s part of it.
Was at school, had no pain at all, was only at the toilet because I had to and then suddenly was blood, I knew and took toilet paper and told my girlfriend that (almost) always had what (almost) she gave me bind (almost)
I got her with 10 and started crying when I saw blood and telling my mom & sister. They then clarified me and she went very well and very short.
Only the time after and until now it is always very bad with the pain. I have 14
was not home when I got my first period then I wrapped toilet paper around my underpants and then use a bandage at home… but don’t have to be afraid of it because in case of emergency, someone in your circle always has a band or tampon. My first period was of course a shock but you get used to it..
I was 12, home and Mommy had ties. My period then went smoothly and pain-free for 5 days.
So you were at school with me. We had written grades a work and I had mega subdue pain so I went to the toilet and yes.Hat nothing but our school gives us the free as they just hang in the bathroom in a box.
When the first period begins, some girls first notice a slightly brownish outflow in their brief, while others have a few drops of blood. Don’t worry, all normal
I got my home, luckily,while did it didn’t…and I knew Gottseidank what to do,I told my mom the next day that I had received her but I told my sister first 😊
I was actually lucky
Random home I got her with 12