Wie verläuft der Schreibprozess eines Romans/einer Geschichte?

Ich schreibe gerade an einem Manuskript. Ich habe jedoch nicht die Intention meine Geschichte verlegen zu lassen, ich schreibe einfach gerne.

Wie viele Seiten sollte man pro Tag schreiben?

Gibt es in einem Schreibprozess Höhen und Tiefen und wenn ja, wie überwindet man diese?

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1 year ago

How many pages should you write a day?

On average, I would write half a chapter on the day.

Is there heights and depths in a writing process and if so, how to overcome them?

When you have deep, you often mean that you are basically dissatisfied with your work. If you don’t get any more, you should go back in his story & look for the source of dissatisfaction.

1 year ago

I guess everyone has their own approach.

The message was first of all with me. What do I want to move in the reader? in what way should history influence, affirm, change its world view?

So it is already predetermined – how does it begin, how does it end.

Like building a living entity. Head, tail, then the skeleton; the essential lines of action. Then the flesh; what makes history readable. Finally, the outside. Minorities, details, cosmetics, corrections. For all this it is recommended to create an idea collection beforehand. Ideas, anecdotes, small things that can be formed into building blocks that will be built or assembled later.

Then the “function test”. Test reader. Do they see how I wanted it to be seen? Is it entertaining enough that they open up to history? What do the protagonists do in YOUR heads? (Every reader puts what he reads in relation to his experience – and then something else can come out in the end than what I thought…)

And then to the big, wide world – and hope that the “child” has success – or better, finds friends for life.

1 year ago

This is different for each author. Sometimes it goes, then you sit there for three, four hours and get out of 1000 words every hour. Sometimes there’s nothing going on for two weeks. Well, there’s no rule. And you can’t force it. Where a fixed plan can already help (every day two hours or so).

It is more important that the plot and the character letters are consistent.

1 year ago

Ken Follett recommends 1 DIN A 4 page per day, which gives a novel of 365 pages within one year.