Wie verkauft man im Internet Fotos?
Ich mache gerne Fotos. Viele loben mich in meinem Umfeld fur diese.
Es geht mir um die Beantwortung der folgenden Frage:
Warum sollte ein Mensch für ein von mir auf einer bestimmten Plattform hochgeladenes Foto bezahlen, wenn er dieses auch so herunterladen kann (download, screenshot)?
Woher weiß man, dass ein von mir hochgeladenes Foto, mit dem ich Geld verdienen möchte, tatsächlich meine Urheberschaft ist. Vielleicht habe ich ein sehr schönes, hochwertiges Foto aus dem Internet genommen und nun auf einer Plattform holchgeladen?
Well, you are guaranteed the sale you have the right to do that otherwise you would be legally vulnerable.
The same, of course, when you load pictures on any floor pages in the hope you are bought there.
The same applies otherwise clearly you can easily duplicate images with a screenshot, but you do not receive a license. In the private context, it is relatively unlikely that you get anger but as soon as you use it commercially or it presents a larger mass it can have problems and also legal consequences here.
But the well-known and friends say your photos are well-named for a long time not that you are worth. Beautiful photos and pictures selling are 2 different boots
Because he does not get it first in maximum resolution and he 2. risks a costly warning as well as damages claim due to a copyright violation and the chances for the photographer to come to his right are extremely good.
Then you’ll get the damages claim from the photographer and he’ll get through with it.
When someone used one of my pictures “slaved” and for their own purposes, nice 2300 euros came around for me. Of course he paid my lawyer. Overall, it was an expensive fun for him. A license from me would have cost him 10% of it.
You put a fat watermark on the photo that’s only removed when the customer paid.
You guarantee that. Since the photo is actually from you, you will not be able to prove anything to the contrary and there are no legal problems.
In order to avoid risks related to copyright (and also other rights such as the right to own image), professional customers usually buy images from image agencies with which everything is properly contractually regulated.
As a photographer, you can also view your pictures or sell through these agencies, but there are also certain requirements for quality (resolution, sharpness, exposure, topicality of the motive) and in some cases it is expected that you will regularly deliver new pictures.
Because you have copyright on all your photos. You can prove it because you usually have other photos from the series, or the original before editing.
So let one of your pictures down and you’ll find them, go to the lawyer and make a declaration of omission.
With me it’s about 180€ per picture I find, for the user it’s significantly higher due to the attorney’s fees.