Wie verkauft man am besten jemandem ein Auto?
Wir sollen für die Schule eine Powerpoint machen, wir sollen uns vorstellen, wir müssen auf einen Event das Auto vermarktet und dazu eine Powerpoint bereit haben wie soll ich das am besten machen, soll ich die technischen Daten vorzeigen etc. oder in welcher reinfolge kann man da vorgehen, um das Auto an den Mann zu bringen
Depends on the car and the market.
Let’s say you want to introduce a compact vehicle for the German market.
First introduce the car and the manufacturer, with pictures.
After that, their fixed data such as power, consumption, required jump locations, displacement and number of cylinders is delivered. Then you can already divide into fixed and variable costs. Tax per year (fix), type class in insurance (is the car often involved in accidents and expensive?), consumption of average fuel price (either per year or reasonably current fuel prices). You can then present obvious usage costs per 100 km. for example to show that it is particularly economical.
Next you could call the dimensions (height, width and length). Easy to show that it is large enough for pleasant long-distance trips, but also compact enough for the city centre. The turning circle would also be interesting for urban transport.
Should the car be particularly sustainable? then you go to the materials used. For example, in the interior… seats made of recycled materials.
Next you can mention built-in safety or comfort equipment. Does he have a relatively large amount of serial equipment, how many stars did he get during the crash test (has the car cut off above average for the class?)
What does the car cost and what does it offer compared to competitors. Since in the simplest case simply call an expensive manufacturer. They cook only with water and are often quite expensive in small classes. Then you can underline the good value of your car