How do I wire the kill switch on my moped?
Unfortunately the wiring of my kill switch has come loose and since the wiring harness doesn't seem to be original I'm wondering which way I should connect it.
The wires leading from the switch are black, white, and completely black. The other two wires are brown and yellow-green. Instinctively, I would have connected brown and black together, assuming that would be the ground.
How can I proceed, measure it? If so, how?
Or just trial and error? What happens if I wire it the wrong way around?
The moped is a DT50 MX.
Thanks in advance for your help. 🙂
A switch connects/separates Plus and Plus or minus and minus, because the other would be a short circuit, but I had to learn for the first time.
Since there are only 2 veins, just merge…
No matter how, this is a switch when you act on it, then close or open the contact…
Great. Thank you. I thought it was me, but I wanted to make sure that I really had no idea about electrics.
It doesn’t matter which cables you connect. It’s just a button.