Wie verhütet ihr?

Hey, ich habe die Pille vor einigen Monaten abgesetzt und bin total zufrieden. Aber ich kenne einfach keine guten Alternativen.

Kennt ihr gute Verhütungsmethoden, die man mit 18 nehmen kann, sicher und ohne Hormone sind?

Wie verhütet ihr und wie sind eure Erfahrungen damit? Das würde mich mal interessieren:)

Danke schonmal

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1 year ago

I have been using the Symptothermal method for over a year https://trackle.de/

The method is safer than the pill, hormone-free and 100% side effect-free. What you need is a little interest in the subject and at the beginning a little time to read the rules. In the fertile phase, however, it is necessary to prevent or maintain condoms or similar

I wish nothing more

1 year ago

After the birth of my first child, I prevented NFP after sensiplan, because I no longer wanted to take hormones.

This has worked very well for several years.

It is said that the basal temperature is measured in the morning and is included in a table (or an appropriate app). In addition, other physical signs are observed, e.g. cervix slime, or you taste after the mother’s mouth.

Based on this information and on the temperature curve, a bit of exercise can be seen very accurately after a few months, when the ovulation takes place and when consequently the fertile time is. In this time you stay absentee or use condoms.

Advantage: the method is favorable, free from hormones and very safe when used correctly. Besides, you get to know your own body well.

Disadvantage: you have to read a bit of knowledge, be very disciplined in temperature measurement and stupidly in the phase in which most women really like to stay absent or just use condoms.

I was always very satisfied with it, as I said, it worked well for several years and when we wanted a second child and deliberately had traffic around the ovulation, I immediately became pregnant.

1 year ago

Not at all, because I’m pregnant, the subject is gone.

I don’t know what we’re doing after birth. Absolutely not the pill and no condoms.

1 year ago

So I’ve been protecting the pill for almost 20 years and I’m very happy.

1 year ago

I’d always go to the condom if I were young. I’m now sterilized. To protect against diseases, the preservative is in any case alternative.

1 year ago

Since I have sex (so since 19 years), I have been using condoms.

Since we’ve been using MySize, there’s never been one again.

1 year ago

So I’ll keep up with the Nuva ring. So also hormonal. Only copper spiral or condoms will come into question for you.

1 year ago

The copper spiral 👍 is also without hormones

1 year ago
Reply to  anel00

with me it didn’t hurt at all, only I always have very paranoia that it slips if I have my days. But actually, the probability is very low