Wie verheilt die Narbe?

Hey, wurde vor ca. einer Woche am Ellbogen (Unterarm) operiert, da ich plötzlich ein Fettgewebe dort hatte.

Die OP ist auch gut verlaufen und ich habe so gut wie keine Schmerzen.

Ich wollte einfach mal nachfragen wie sich jetzt die Narbe verheilt.

Wie lange dauert es?

Wird es wieder komplett flach sein?

Wie wird es aussehen?

Liebe Grüße und Danke

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2 years ago

Yeah, that’ll be flat again, but a scar will stay back. How long can I not say that wounds heal very badly with me. Last year, mosquito bites bleeding and still see it. 🙂

Tobias Radebold
2 years ago

It’ll be fine. The slightly reddened in the middle should no longer be, otherwise you have to go to the doctor again. And she should be smooth too.

It will be optimal with something like Cicacare. But must be worn consistently – so that scar from my experience is best.

Greetings and good improvement from Hessisch Lichtenau orthopedic clinic, Tobias Radebold

2 years ago

Ask that to your surgery doctor or a doctor.( Will it be completely flat again?

What will it look like?) Sorry, but who can know this with us?

2 years ago

Ask your questions to your doctor! You could get all sorts of answers here from “The whole arm will fall off” about “BOAH – what a ugly scar” to “You just want to do something important” … You don’t have to do this to you!

No doctor writes here – because they are paid for your work.

And your doctor is there to answer all the questions you have!

2 years ago
