Wie verhalte ich mich bei ihm Zuhause?


ich muss für ein paar Tage zuhause raus und mein Freund nimmt mich auf.

Er wohnt mit seinem Bruder zusammen und geht morgens um 7 Uhr arbeiten. Sein Bruder arbeitet zu unterschiedlichen Uhrzeiten.

Ist es schlimm wenn ich dann Mittags für uns 3 koche? oder wenn ich aufstehe mir Frühstück zu machen?

Der Gedanke das ich in ihrer Küche koche ist für mich nicht fremd aber alleine das zu machen schon. Denkt ihr es ist für die ein Problem?

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2 years ago

Living together always requires you to find common rules for it! And it is best to talk about who has what needs and where needs are in conflict with each other, to jointly seek compromises and solutions.

So ask the two how you want to handle it with meals! Offer quietly to cook once a day for all, also as gratitude for the uncomplicated recording. And then, together, consider which meal would be offered at what time.

Oh, and by the way: remember that more than six weeks the rental right assumes that it is no longer a visit, but a permanent dwelling, and the landlord must then allow it! So if it’s more than “a few days,” contact the landlord…

2 years ago

I would bring this before or on the first day, especially with the brother.

I’m sure everyone will agree that you use the kitchen and make breakfast when you spend a few days there.

Of course, you should offer to participate in the cost of purchases. Otherwise, the idea with cooking is good.

2 years ago

Make yourself more useful. In terms of housework I mean 😆

2 years ago

That you cook for the two? I think that shouldn’t be a problem as long as you cook dishes for them that they like.

2 years ago

Why do you have to cook this right away?This is your first day or?You can ask him this first time.Coke in first day?You need to know clearly.