Wie verhält man sich auf dem Friedhof?

Meine Oma ist genau heute vor 2 Wochen gestorben und wurde genau heute vor einer Woche begraben und seit dem, ausser auf der Beerdigung, war ich nicht einmal bei ihr…

ich möchte so gerne zu ihr, aber ich weiss nicht wie man sie da so verhält.. ich weiss wen ich da wäre und das Grab anschauen würde das ich direkt weinen würde. Ich weiss nicht ob ich das unterdrücken kann…

also an euch die frage, wie verhält man sich da und wie lange bleibt man ca??

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2 months ago

So going to the cemetery is much more relaxed than you think I’ll introduce. You just have to be careful not to be too loud and you don’t go to other graves, etc. If you’re crying, it’s not bad as long as you don’t cry extremely loud. You’re not the only one who mourns. How long you’re here is your decision and of course it always depends on whether you take care of the grave or just stand in front of the grave

2 months ago

As long as you do not disturb other grief, you can behave there as you like.

An old lady whose husband had died told me that it was quite exhausting for her to visit him at the cemetery. Once she had been so hungry that she got a diner nearby and then ate it with her husband.

The idea like this dear old woman Döner-eating on her roller at the tomb of her husband was still in my head.

She always talked to him.

2 months ago

My condolences. Wine when you get it. Do it. I’m rarely at all not in the cemetery but think and dream of loved ones. Because there are people who look like the tomb is how often flowers are brought etc. What is absolute bullshit. Every minute you spent with your grandma was so precious and beautiful. Keep it in the heart. And if you feel like visiting her grave and crying do it and don’t care what’s right in a cemetery. I wish you all love.

2 months ago

Good morning,

my sincere condolences…

You just behave calm, so no sound music or the like.

How long you’re staying there is your thing and also crying isn’t bad. Keep in mind the closing times.

2 months ago

Make it as you feel comfortable.

If you want to go to the grave, go. But if you feel like you don’t want to go now, then leave it. There are no rules if you go or how long you want to stay. If you go, you can also talk to her about things that happen to you or thoughts that you just want to say. You can stand still and say nothing. All you have left to you, every person has his way with Tand to deal with things. You don’t have to feel compelled to do something or stay there for a long time.

My condolences and strength for the next time!

2 months ago

And that’s exactly what a grave or cemetery is there too! Where, if not there, should you let out your mourning without scruple and unnecessary shame? Do it, no one will chalk you in this place or find it strange. 🫶

A warm condolences from my side.

2 months ago

My sincere condolences…

You can stay as long as you want it, there are cemeteries that are closed in the evening, but that’s on a sign at the entrance door if that’s the case.

You cry at the Friehof is perfectly normal, you usually visit people who are very missing.

It is important that you find a way for you to process the grief, maybe you have someone you can talk about.

2 months ago

My sincere condolences to your loss 🌹.

When I visit my loved ones in the cemetery, I often learn the tears, that is quite normal, for that you also go to the deceased to be close to them to remember.

There are no rules to ensure the rest of the dead, and perhaps not phone calls. It is the place to dedicate to the deceased.

It’s all so fresh, you can mourn, in your way, and you’ll find a way, your feeling will show you your way and there’s no right, or wrong.

You can light a tomb candle or take a flower, talk to her, everything you do well. Tell your news and you stay as long as you want, this will show you your abdominal feeling and that can be different every time.

I’ve been to the cemetery every day, or not a week, or even a month, that’s okay.

Sadness can take a long time, be patient.

I wish you all the best on the path of mourning.

2 months ago
Reply to  DianaValesko

Beautiful, very sensitive answer!

2 months ago
Reply to  Darkrider280

Thank you.

2 months ago

Don’t run, don’t drive by bike, scooter or the like, don’t scream. Being respectful to other visitors, not stepping on strange tombs, leaving no unrest. Otherwise you can stay at the tomb of your grandmother as you want, and also weep is completely fine.

2 months ago


My sincere condolences to the death of your dear grandmother 🕯️🕯️🕯️

I know how sad you are when a beloved family member died

My grandparents and parents do not live anymore, and my sadness stopped

extremely long. Many people come as you – they cry at the tomb of their

Sweetheart, they miss her. This is also a normal sensation

I have always seen people crying on the cemeteries.

Tomb also with their deceased. Mache d a s , what spiritual for you

And if you need a while to visit the grave of the Grandma

then it is also completely o.k. Just like wineing.

Your grandma is always in your heart – for love is infinite and eternal

Remember the beautiful times with her – I always had such a way

diary itself designed . With pictures, and my thoughts written down

This has helped me very much beyond the grief

I wish you the power that you will eventually get better

Be grateful that you had them

Awesome Angel 👼♥️⭐

2 months ago

Then weep, this is the place for it.

You can do everything there if other sorrows don’t bother.

Sadness is a process and everyone is different.

2 months ago

Just go.

The IST is a place to mourn, to remember – and if you like it is also for crying.

The “right behavior” is more oriented towards respect for others (deceased or not).

So no music from the ghetto bladder, no kicking on the graves, no garbage, no rumbling…

…for me actually quite normal behavior everywhere…

Otherwise, stay there as long as you want, there are no rules (if the gate is completed). Some look short, put a flower or collect some old leaves, some sit on the bench for hours…

2 months ago

Just go. Tears are not a shame. Talking to her is normal. Stay as long as you feel good. 🫂🙏🕯🖤🕯

2 months ago

Why do you want to suppress crying? That’s normal. I live right at the cemetery and can always look there. There are people who come and cry after years. It’s a person you can’t talk to. This is the mourning. Another section of the mourning is the beautiful thoughts that one had experienced. And no matter whether male or female, weep in the cemetery very many.

2 months ago

You can stay as long as the opening hours are. Behavior should be like that the rest of the dead is not disturbed. So calm and dull and so that other cemetery visitors are not disturbed.

2 months ago

It’s no problem crying at the grave!

2 months ago

You can cry calmly, that’s what many do. You keep quiet. Tabu is loud calling, eating, smoking

2 months ago

Then you cry. As long as you don’t make it so loud that other people think it would just kill one at the cemetery, it’s completely wrinkled.

There is only one rule there: you should not disturb anyone!

And you can stay until they want to lock the gate. When that is, it’s at the gate.

2 months ago

You can behave as normal. Just do not disturb others, calm and slow. You can also cry, or even talk, this is no problem and how long you want to be there, you decide alone

2 months ago

Dan makes everyone as he feels and thinks.

No one would pay attention to the others.

But there are even “Friedhofs Friends”, these are mournings that meet regularly there (usually older people). And many use the cemetery to walk or enjoy nature.

2 months ago

You just go there and stay as long as you want. The cemetery doesn’t really cry anything unusual. In summer, some people stay at the cemetery for hours.

2 months ago

First of all my heartfelt condolences

You can cry there, just behave as you think it’s right!

(Of course not yelling, running or throwing gravestones)

2 months ago

You can stay as long as you want many crying there

2 months ago

just go, hold on. how long you stay there is left to you. there is rest. Wine is not a shame