Wie verdient man online am besten geld?
Es sollen jetzt nicht hunderte Euro sein aber wenig wäre schon schön.
Ich würde online gerne ein wenig Geld verdienen. Es sollen jetzt aber keine Umfragen sein oder irgendwelche Online Seiten erstellen für Firmen.
Habe zum Beispiel gehört es geht mit spotify playlist, aber wie genau ? Und wieviel verdient man dann ?
Play games 😜
But I had only surveys? 🤔
It’s funny. I just have games to download. Is there an app
But there should also be AGB of recommended.de read and understand properly:
This includes a trade declaration (§ 14 GewO), the transmission of the questionnaire collection (§ 138 AO) and annual duty on the income tax declaration (§ 25 para. 4 pp. 1 EStG) together with the winner’s determination (§ 60 para. 4 EStDV) and VAT return (§ 10 para. 3 UStG).
It’s so easy to operate this business.
Yes, of course, if you deserve so much. Up to €520 a month you don’t have to pay any taxes.
There is no amount limit for a trade. Each commercially earned cent must be registered and taxed.
A trade is then present as soon as the points of § 15 Abs 2 S. 1 EStG are fulfilled:
You need within a month from the first act register a trade, § 14 GewO, and transmit the questionnaire for tax collection electronically to the tax office, § 138 AO.
This is also wrong.
The 520 € limit (between 538 € limit) has no importance for tax lawbut only for social security. Social security is not taxes.
By creating a tech company like Alphabet (Google) or Meta (Facebook). These companies earn their money all online.