Wie verbunden fühlt ihr euch zu eurer Heimatstadt?
Bzw. zu eurer Heimat/Region allgemein? Warum fühlt ihr euch verbunden zu eurer Heimatstadt? Ist es vllt. wegen der Familie, wie die Stadt aussieht oder warum?
Als ich jünger was wollte ich immer weg. Mittlerweile finde ich es eig. ziemlich geil, (bis auf das Wetter im Winter).
No connection. For me, these are only places.
I love my hometown Munich. In the meantime, although I live a bit out, I still like to be in town. I like the beer gardens, the Viktualienmarkt, the hustle and bustle around the main railway station, and especially the districts Schwabing, Maxvorstadt, Au, Haidhausen.
Very. I love my hamburch!
Not at all. I’ve been living in a different place since I was about 2 years old.
I can’t suffer my village. After 8:00, there’s nothing going on here, there’s a cinema, with 1 room, with grandma movies.
No clothes stores, don’t stop for young people.
I’m sending out mail here, people are okay, but there’s nothing going on here.
Stuttgart is, great, you can buy well and spend a free day and go out. There’s a lot to offer.
Internet is terrible.
In the main village you have reception with every provider, you go to one of the secondary villages = you have no reception in any village with any provider.
That’s annoying, you can change cell phone network where you want = everywhere a problem…
I feel very connected to my hometown.
I’ve been living there for over 60 years and there’s hardly any angle or history of this city I don’t know.
I like some places and cafes