Wie verbinde ich 4 Lautsprecher mit einem DJ Pult/PC?
ich habe 2 Boxenpaare á 2 Boxen (s. Bilder). 2 davon gehören zu einer separaten Anlage (s. Bilder) und die anderen beiden kommen alleine für sich. Die von der Anlage laufen beide über Kupferkabelanschlüsse und von den alleinlaufenden ist eine eben der Haupt mit Cinch und Kupfer und der andere der alleinlaufenden nur Cinch.
Ich möchte nun mit dem DJ Pult, welches mit dem PC verbunden ist, alle 4 Boxen ansteuern und wollte fragen, wie/mit welchen Mischpulten etc./ob das ganze möglich ist.
Ich bedanke mich im Voraus
Hello first,
I wanted to ask what I needed for cables. I also have 2 such loudspeakers with as one connection as the one on the picture and a record player with as one connection as in the last picture. Only I know absolutely niht and wanted to ask what I need for cable or what I need. what these are called so that I would possibly get them in the building market (if they exist there).
LG and thanks in advance
The manufacturer has designed the amplifier so that it works optimally with a pair of loudspeakers. So for stereo mode.
4 boxes only if this is provided by the manufacturer.
If you switch 2 boxes in series per channel, both boxes only receive half of the power that the amplifier can provide. If 2 boxes with 8 ohms are connected to a channel, it’s like a 16 ohm box connected to it.
If the amplifier is now specified with 2x 100 Watt, each box will only be provided with a maximum of 50 Watts.
This means in reverse, you have to turn the volume control further because the volume decreases.
Thank you for your help! In the meantime, I was driving around with Audio Switches (e.g. 1 in and 4 out…). I assume that the same “problem” you mentioned is valid here?!