Wie verbesser ich mich?
Also meine Noten sind wie folgt:
Wie verbesser ich mcih am besten? Ich bin 10te am Gymnasium und möchte mich in allen zweier Fächern verbessern, bin aber mündlich immer schlechter als schriftlich (ich habe in einem Fach zum Beispiel in der Arbeit eine 1+ aber mündlich 2-3 oder so) und vor allem ist der Lehrer mündlich sehr streng und ichmelde mich seit Oktober regelmäßig und davor auch aber seit oktober mehr, da er mir im Oktober gesagt hat, dass ich eine 3 bekomme. Da ich das liebe und mich melde verteche ich es nciht, wie andere die einfach da sitzen mit einer 2 davonkommen.
ich habe am Ende dann doch eine 2 bekommen, aber wohl knapp, obwohl ich eine 1 hatte in der Arbeit.
Außerdem nimmt der Lehrer mich immer als letzte oder gar nicht ran, was ich ziemlich schlecht finde. Ich habe ihn noh nicht angesprochen, da ich kein Konflikt mit ihm will, aber man sieht ja an meiner Arbeit, dass ich mehr kann und wenn ich mich melde guckt er mcih an und nimmt wieder das gleiche Mädchen (nennen wir sie mal Tisch) ran und dann sagt sie was dann nimmt er jemanden anders ran, Tisch meldet sich wieder und er nimmt sie wieder ran (es ist immernoch dieselbe Frage) dann nimmt er weitere ran und am Ende guckt er mich an und sagt dann jetzt reicht es mal, wir haben keine Zeit mehr und nimmt mich nicht ran.
Eine sekunde später meldet sich Tisch wieder und dsgta kann ich was noch ergänzen.
er: Ja klar.
Ich: 🧍♀️🤨
Wie kann ich mich vor allem bei ihm und auch anderen verbessern? Ich will ihn ungerne darauf ansprechen, weil ich mich bis so oktober nicht regelmäßig gemeldet habe danach aber schon, aber dann hat er einfach mich nie rangenommen und ja…
Meine eltern sagen ich soll mich noch mehr melden, aber langsam finde ich es echt sch- von ihm, da ich ja das Recht dazu habe mich zu äußern.
er kann ja nich einfach mich ignorieren, manchmal ist es auch so, dass andere sagen sie meldet sich noch und er dann: oh habe ich garnicht gesehen, obwohl er mir in die seele starrt, während er jemanden anderen rannimmt.
einmal habe ich mich auch als er einfach weitermachen wollte und ich die letzte war erhoben und gesagt, dass ich mich schon die ganze Zeit melde und er war einfach so:
Bitte sei nicht gleich so (irgendwas aht er dann gesagt, keine Ahnung mehr), ich habe dich einfach nicht gemerkt.
I love you for this name 😂😂
I’ve never been taken because the lecturer knew I knew it 😂. We then agreed that I will no longer report, but my hand symbolically always shows. (He could have stayed away, but was n nicer, I only learned a single thing I didn’t know before).
No, to you. I would look again for the conversation and point him to the conversation in October and to his obvious preference for “table”, which was also apparent to others.
Ask him how to improve an oral note if you don’t get there? I don’t think he’ll be thrilled if you’re talking with fingertips and “Here, Here, HIEEEER, I know!” interrupting the lessons.
I’m more holding back, so I’m just sitting up there with my hand until he turns around in the end and so Jahaa says. The thing is there are more girls next to the table, who are always picked up even one after the other and several times on a question and I am more external with those. My friend was the one who made the teacher aware. there is also another girl who is good everywhere, but in this subject is very rarely taken because of the other girl around table.
During the conversation in October, he said to me, “I am staying unerne with female pupils in a room and I was so goodtt? Why do you tell me that makes it even worse that he comes to such thoughts… ewww
Do you know other classes he teaches? Then ask what kind of sex is going on.
Joa, don’t really belong. I’ll definitely ask again when the holidays are over. Thank you.
That can be funny. As I said, ask in parallel classes or the 9th
I remember laughing from my class and he said something like: Is my trouser stable open or what is so funny .-._.
That was pretty clear to me with your name.
But you won’t find any boy hot either. And that’s exactly what I’m thinking. Therefore, the protection of the class comparison.
I’m also a girl, but most of the time I take the girls, especially the girls always
What is there to improve, I see nothing? Just be happy with your innate talent to deliver such grades in the 10th grade at the gymnasium. You could easily report with a lot and improve good and detailed answers. Only in sports you have a three, but let’s be honest, that has nothing to do with real life.
You have a 1 in ALL work? Then go orally and you can study everything you want. You don’t have to worry about money when you deliver such services. I’m sure your favorite person with 1k more salary.
I was in the 5th and 6th grade at the gymnasium and knows what is expected. It was called sleep, school and learning. There was no free time in fact. Latin and ancient Greek are also dead languages, making them even more difficult.
LG Animelove007
So I don’t have one in all the works, I just said so that some stop writing to me how to make mistakes in work, as I can do it myself.
I was mündlcih imemr bad and had problems. Last year I had 2.0 and I was disappointed and especially because my whole environment (family) was also ennial of me. I want 1.0 because otherwise I get nciht the free time I’ve got last, sometimes my hnady is taken away even though I’m 17 which is quite funny and I don’t want to.
Besides, I’ve heard a talent since I never learn. Ic fange vllt 4 days before and I know all the answers in the mündlcihen teaue mcih but sometimes nciht me to report or forget that I have to report.
Yeah, I know that stupid parents. ……….not satisfied with anything, although child super good, probably because they couldn’t bite themselves before.
And I only moved to DEutschland with 10, which made it harder again, as there were always teachers who are secretly rassisctic and take you nciht or, for example, when I got my gymansiale recommendation, it was so that I was only in Deustchland for half or a year (before I also learned German) and I could not have said to myself. But fortunately, my mother and several other teachers worked for it because I had everything but a 3 in sport and mUsik (because of the two notes the school manager aht I could not manage it, alwo weklcih now). I have to fight more because deustche is always preferred. People born here.
There is a new study that came out, the teacher prefers foreigners at grades to compensate for the disadvantages such as missing German skills.
In your case, this is quite different, probably your school will appear publicly tightly to the left, but internally it is like you said not so. You don’t deserve that.
…then say from what corner. Then I’ll tell you my grades fair.
What are your notes? Super goods are from 1.2 but I know house which corner you come
…I was disappointed and especially because my whole environment (family) was also ennial of me.
I’m sorry, they’re stupid parents…. they pulled you down so much, even though you’re super good…. I don’t understand.
My parents are not detested, the elephants who find a 2.0 good, but they are all verily assaulted LOL
yes that was the school of mine that was very bad
Try it out http://www.classarbeit.de
I have a 1!!! I’m just asking about reporting
Take All Teachers in whose subjects you stand on 2 aren’t there and behave like the teacher mentioned in the example?
Oral cooperation is always very subjective, we can now say nothing about quality and quantity compared to your fellow students.
Whatever has always helped to keep eye contact with the teacher and to nod again and again to show that you still follow and understand. Ggf don’t always have to report to questions on the teacher’s side, you can ask good, further questions yourself. That’s how you show interest.
In group work, it was always annoying to make me the only task, while others felt the 5th break on the day, but not a few teachers noticed it while walking around.
Do additional tasks whenever you can. If, for example, in physics, 3 tasks are homework, then do the 4th and 5th on the page (as an example now) and if you have any questions about it, put them in the following hour.
What unfortunately always helped: leave your parents to the school council. In most of the subjects, it was strangely better graded. The same applies if, for example, you are engaged in student representation.
My elephants can only be bad or not good German in contrast to me. All teachers think I need to increase my quantity, as my quality is excellent in the oral. Besides, I’ve always done “pre-worked” or more than I had to, just that I was often met by the teachers. And in the question, I was referring only to one teacher, as he is the only one where I feel “ignorant” or as if he prefers the other 4-5/6 girls. The other two subjects I can understand, as I was worse in Latin this year also in the works so at 1- to 2- and at Deustch we don’t talk about it, because I got there, but I didn’t complain about it either. I just wanted to know how I can get better orally, because the written notes are something I can easily improve, at the end of the oral ones I always had problems at the beginning.
The teacher of the mcih ignored, on the beginning of October said that I have to report mcih more, where I started to report to any question but let’s say, if I have reported mcih about the 20 times he may have taken 3 times while he takes the one mdchen mermals in a question and so also to the other girls she is friends with.
Ok but then you write the answer yourself: the quality is super, but the quantity fails, so report more. Teachers who ignore the subject, maybe quietly after the hour. However, it is probably not possible to solve this, there are also many teachers who are not too 100% fair to judge or consider.
A 1.7 was a 2 in my certificate in school and also at the university, as it corresponds to a 2+. Do you get the 1 on the test at a 1.7-shot?
then you have a strange school. It wasn’t the case with us. No parent council. Even the mayor’s wife had no advantage for her son. However, it is part of the fact that the parents accept that their child is doing a little hard and not constantly the teachers on the cookies go for better notes. The woman and her son with mayor; just great people. Going to the parent board only so that child gets better notes is extremely questionable and must not be crowned by success.
Most schools don’t show that. Ages in school are occupied by children of teachers (school speakers and so)
It was the case with me at both schools, unfortunately, at least I noticed it.
ne i my average not the note, 1.7 is a 2, everything from 1.51 is 2
Much reports don’t know much.
If you want to improve your grades, check out sports. This looks underground compared to the other notes.
I don’t care about sports, so I also said that I get one in all the work, but the teachers at the end tell me that I have to report more. I would have everything but sports and music if we had it, as I had everything in the 7th, except sport 3 and music 2