Wie verändert sich das Bild von 1080p zu 1440p?
plane derzeit ein Monitorupgrade von FullHD 24 Zoll auf 24 Zoll WQHD.
Wenn man im Desktop ist, dann sind die Symbole in 1440p kleiner, wegen der Auflösung, was man natürlich einstellen kann.
Meine Frage:
Ist in Spielen dann auch “alles kleiner” wegen der höheren Auflösung und wenn ja, kann man das irgendwie beheben?
Sitze relativ nah im Bildschirm, weshalb 24 Zoll schon sehr gut wäre für die Schärfe.
24″ is rather not suitable for qhd. The sharpness of full HD is likely to be even loose in size.
More image points are calculated, which gives sharper edges and clearer transitions between the image points. also increases the required performance of the hardware.
Imagine it. 1080p would be 20 boxes now. If you would go to qhd instead of 20 boxes, now 36 boxes will be displayed (and calculated). The transitions between individual pixels can thus be designed “softer” and therefore increase sharpness.
Hope is quite understandable.
I can’t confirm that this is shown smaller so far
Probably automatically adjusted.
all right, the hardware fits. ne 6700xt fetched and standing just before asking whether 24 or 27 inch monitor, thank you
Joa should be a 27″. It’s just my personal opinion. Sharp image was delivered a 24″. But it just doesn’t notice the size.
yes is even very good for me, as my Ryzen 5 3600 is partially overwhelmed to provide the graphics card, so that fits. Thank you
You can see that. By the way, the CPU is relieved and the GPU is loaded more strongly. Ends in less fps. But that should be very clear.
yes is probably a taste
I play the scaling of the presented models is the same. Only the HUD could be smaller, but there are also HUD scaling options in most games to enlarge them again.
thank you