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3 months ago

When I started, I don’t know exactly. must have been in the age of about 14 or 15, and today I regret…

3 months ago
Reply to  Andersbeliebt

So not mine

3 months ago
Reply to  Andersbeliebt

That’s right, that’s right.

3 months ago

In the case of a

3 months ago

I started smoking through a working mate from that time. that was more than 11 years ago. And I still smoke today and also very much like that.

3 months ago

With 14 meanwhile for 34 years and don’t think about it.

3 months ago

This was so 1991/1992, where I was 14 or 15 years old and it became regular. The first self-purchased cigarette pack was a “West Strong” which I bought at the gas station next to the school. The second was a pack of “Overstolz” or “Camel”, I no longer know exactly.

Why did you start? You wanted to be cool. In school, the older vintages had been presented at the schoolyard in the smoking corner and of course they wanted to be there. They then also taught smoking with the classic method, older here on GF will surely know this with the “rough breathing into the lungs and mommy comes” saying. That is how smoking was taught by the older ones and yes, everyone had to cough at the first time but could also smoke lungs.

The ritual then to be allowed into the smoking corner was also such a thing of the older vintages. One had to put himself behind an older one and hug him forward with the arms and then it was said to him only “Look the smoke comes out of the ears” and then ass, the cigarette kiss came on the backs, in which he burned the gluten tip of the cigarette into the skin. That was the sign to be one of the cool ones at the end of the 80s. What was proud of it, because the older people always exchanged heavy metal music and were in the middle of it. They also have one, as good as it is in the smoking corner, so that one was not discovered by the teachers.

What started as a hobby and trend and triggered a feeling of freedom and rebellion then ended in a addiction that lasted with me a good 23 years. In October 2015, I stopped smoking with the cigarette from today on tomorrow thanks to the Vape technology and then I am down to 0 mg N in a few months. Smoking and steam is a story with me, and today I only occasionally handle a stylish pipe with precious tobacco, which one of course does not take on lungs and here is the focus of pleasure.

3 months ago

Started in 1968 with 13.

2006 after heart attack immediately stopped.

Then started with tobacco pipe, not on lungs. Restarted 2019 with cigarettes, but not on lungs. Because I lacked tobacco supplies from Germany because of Corona. I’m both pale today.

So, last lungs was 2006.

3 months ago

With vape I moved to cigarettes with 13/14, then later on, but I stopped 14/15 now (at almost 16)

3 months ago

no longer stop I started smoking last year and since that I like to smoke and also want

3 months ago

It was a lost bet of 14.5 years. And although the first cigarette was terrible, I knew at this moment that I would become smokers. Now I’m 53.

3 months ago

I’ve never, just steamed, even though you could come to some other ideas on my profile…

3 months ago

I started with 14 Vapen

3 months ago

Just not starting

3 months ago

Not smart

3 months ago

I never started it