Wie und wann grüßt man Motorradfahrer?

Hallo 😇.

Ich weiß bereits, dass man mit einem Art Peace-Zeichen nach unten andere vorbeifahrende Motorradfahrer grüßen kann…

Darf man das auch, wenn man selbst zu Fuß, auf dem Fahrrad, oder im Auto sitzt, aber selbst Motorradfahrer ist?

Und darf man das, wenn man keiner ist, aber sehr begeistert von Motorradfahren ist und ihnen Respekt ausdrücken will?

Weitere Frage!

Wie drückt man einem vorbeifahrendem Motorradfahrer aus, dass man sein Bike cool findet?

Ich habe Mal gesehen, dass man so eine Art Rock-Zeichen machen kann. Aber tut man da kleiner Finger, Zeigefinger und Daumen oder ohne Daumen raus? Oder gibt es da eine ganz andere Geste?

Viele Fragen 😅.

Aber schonmal Danke für die genommene Zeit für eine Antwort 🤗.

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2 years ago


A biker greets a biker sonnst nix!

Hand to the index finger long.

I’m just greeting bikers and only when I ride the bike.

Of course, even in my city, when a driving biker recognizes me where I am walking and he greets first.


2 years ago
Reply to  Sandofix

so eats .. in some situations also with the right foot when both hands are busy …

2 years ago

Although biker likes to greet himself with his hand on the arm which is preferably slightly angled downwards – where the wind does not break so well – but actually this must be ned: In road traffic such hand signs are to be regarded as an announcement of the intention of changing the direction of travel.

And this should initially not be a greeting, but a reversal of the signaling of a warning against speed controls. Since this was not admissible, it was signaled differently: “no control” – but it can no longer be trusted because this context is lacking many bikernels in the meantime, and rather a return to the warning took place, with a flat left hand moved several times downward, that is to say, “heh’s rather slower at” signaling.

2 years ago

Motorcyclists always want a good and above all infall-free ride with whatever gesture. Except with the middle finger 😉

I come through a place or under a bridge, and pedestrians signal me up through thumb or Winken consent, then I always greet kindly back. Especially in children.

I’m a motorcycle rocker, if someone greets you with racing drums, reindeer bike, from the car or from the walkway, I don’t care. I have little to do with everyone, but I am friendly enough to react.

2 years ago

Motorcyclists greet only one another, i.e. not in the car on the bicycle or otherwise.

If I find a machine great, there’s a thumb up.

2 years ago

Sure, I usually do our crew sign. But the typical clientele (GS driver) is never greeted back. I greet every young cyclist, I am still young.

2 years ago
Reply to  UngluecklierWE

Hm, so with me in the area, the GS drivers also greet. Are usually more the chopper drivers who do not greet or any super athletes who are so overwhelmed that the fingers do not get off the handle 😀

2 years ago

Actually, only bikers greet each other. The original greeting was two downwardly directed fingers, which means as much as “Two Wheels down”, so one wishes one another an accident-free good ride.

There are no fixed rules. You can also greet bikers on foot, in the car or on the bike, which is hardly going to happen to anyone, let alone interpret this as a greeting. A simple thumb high should be the most effective. Children (believable as many children like motorcycles) also like to win.

You don’t even press if you like the other bike when you go. In general, it is not at all time to judge that. On the one hand it goes fast, on the other hand it is concentrated mainly on the journey.

If you’re at a biker’s meeting or the traffic light is next to someone whose bike you like, you can easily tell the person.

On the bike, I personally greet all motorcycles and everything else I find cool. Then there’s an old Simson, etc. In the car or on foot, I wouldn’t get the idea.

2 years ago

I only know this from bike to bike.

Sometimes even with the foot, e.g. when someone left me the entrance when overtaking and you have your hands on the handlebar. This is usually the case, with conversely sometimes I’m uncertain whether car drivers don’t understand it wrong.

How do you express that you find your bike cool?

with thumb up!