Wie umgehen mit Mobbingopfer?
Ich bin seit Neustem in einer Freizeit Gruppe für psychisch Kranke. Dort ist ein junger Mann, der sehr unsicher ist, auf der Suche nach Kontakten, wahrscheinlich schon sehr oft gemobbt wurde. Er verhält sich wie ein Teenager, hat einen Namen, der wohl oft von anderen belächelt wurde und ist allgemein eher schlecht angepasst. Ich möchte ihn Ernst nehmen und verhindern, dass er neue schlechte Erfahrungen macht. Aber bin sicher, dass er sich total an mich dran hängt, wenn ich mich mehr mit ihm unterhalte. In der Gruppe würde ich nie zulassen, dass er weiter gemobbt wird. Aber eine enge Beziehung will ich auch nicht wirklich. Bin hin und her gerissen, wie ich damit umgehen soll. Er tut mir leid. Aber ich kann in meiner Situation auch keinen gebrauchen, der mir am Rockzipfel hängt. Wie müsste ich mich moralisch am besten verhalten?
One variant: show all the cold shoulder. Be the correct knight of justice.
So remain emotionally distant. You don’t make friends like that, but that’s what you want.
Alternatively, you can also treat it quite normal, be friendly to all and tell him in four eyes that you have no interest in a friendship or closer tie.
From my experience, one is often hated in such a situation when one does the right thing – because one does not join a camp. Please calculate this option. The noble knights are rarely popular and gratitude they hardly reap. Like Batman. He saves the whole city, and in the end he is hunted.
The alternative feels more suitable for me. Thanks for the tips!
I don’t have a problem getting hated when I’m on the side of an unfairly negotiated person. I’m over there.
“I want to take him seriously and prevent him from making new bad experiences.”
This is as good as impossible in the hypocrisy.
Basically, only your leaving The leisure group would create an adequate distance from you and/or the boy man.
It’s not impossible. I can at least prevent this in the group. I’m not leaving the group right now because it’s getting a little difficult.
Your question referred to the boy man. If they prevent a misconduct in the group, this group does not make immune to external negative bullying influences. There are now two ways, The First would be that they entrust themselves to the boy man and he enters a bond to you, they end it with the time it becomes too much and thus trigger it. The second possibility that they would keep apart from him would also not help him and also displeasure the non-acting cessation. Since they are torn back and forth as they have to deal with it, the most meaningful reaction would be that they either treat everyone in the group as uninterested, what comes closest to reality, or that they take themselves out of the equation.
Treat him like the others, and if you’re going to get someone’s mobbing him up and reacting
Yes, this solution tells me the most.