How do I convince my parents to buy me a horse as quickly as possible?

Hello, my parents have the financial means to buy me a horse

I am 15 years old and would say more responsible than many my age (I don't smoke, I don't drink and I'm doing reasonably well in school)

However, I had depression and an eating disorder for a while and my parents don't think I'm mature enough to have my own horse.

I currently have a RB and have made my rider pass on her (a bitchy mare) and this year my needle

I work a lot with young, difficult horses and I think I have a clue

I would accept a part-time job, but my parents want me to concentrate on school

You are ready to buy a horse but only after observing for a long time whether I behave well

How can I speed this up? I would like to buy a horse by the end of summer or autumn (I will be 16 then).

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2 years ago

Isn’t that obvious? Manipulate, convince and influence them. That’s all it takes to get what you want.

But I have to give the other right to you shouldn’t be trusted in your own horse. Be patient.

1 year ago

You need patience! I got my first horse with 12 (a 6 months old stallion) that second then with 15 (an 8 year old mare) I would say that one RB lasts for the first and a horse is not only there for riding (which most but unfortunately think) wait something and if you really want to have a horse that also needs its time.

2 years ago

Patience is the most important virtue that someone should have with horses. So prove your deafness first and foremost by not wanting a horse as quickly as possible, but thankfully every day you can gain experiences as a riding share or with school horses.

2 years ago

If I hear that, I want to, I like, I’d like to, and that where your parents have already looked at the horse. Insanely mature, really… instead of gratitude to put on the day and show them that you appreciate their offer, you behave like a little defiant child. Well, then you’ll probably treat yourself as such.

2 years ago

Cutely, that children believe that adults can talk about something against their will.

Be glad they don’t reject it immediately, but consider it. Keep in touch with the requirements and if you have proven that you have everything under control, you will get your horse. The more you squeeze around now, the greater is the risk that your parents will say no.

2 years ago

You’re mature enough for a horse when you stop begging out of conviction. Just do what they want, they’re their rules, not yours. Get better at school, get hard on what you do, no matter what it is. Then ask again in August how it looks, but not in a hurry

2 years ago

Here you will have to be patient. Hold on to the deal if you’re pushing now, it can be that you’re playing the offer.

2 years ago

Hello You have got many good answers when they won’t like you all too, can ride well is one, but have a lot of idea about the attitude is another, let’s explain everything in the course of the year that’s all like this and incidents when it gets sick and has to go to the clinic, then it gets really expensive

You are best off with the RB to be able to ride the horse, with us in the stall there are very few adjusters where an RB have

2 years ago

I don’t think I can buy horses for children.

Children cannot assume the responsibility that starts with simple choices, just like which hoof worker is ordered and how often comes this.

What equipment is bought

how the horse is held.

and if the horse gets sick, they can’t handle the situation adequately.

And the parents who don’t ride also don’t know.

and what happens when the horse becomes so seriously ill that parents can no longer bear the costs?

or what happens if you do an education or a year abroad or a study?

2 years ago

I’d be interested in why you don’t really behave well if you already have the promise that your parents will just give you so many hundred euros every month. Why the impatience?

2 years ago

That your parents hold a depression and eating disorder for immature just shocks me…

Under such conditions, no one can advise you anything except a family therapy.

2 years ago

Not at all. Do you have any idea what this costs? Doesn’t matter if your parents have the money or not. Nothing’s for free. You have to learn. You want a horse, you want to see that you’re good. Then go!

2 years ago

Why do you think you could take responsibility for a living being if you don’t even realize your own life.

No horse deserves to be used as a therapy object to be left in the end when you get through a difficult phase.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kisajelo


2 years ago

If your parents have a little mind, they won’t buy you.

There are enough reasons why you don’t buy children a horse.
It wouldn’t even be your horse. It would continue to be your parents’ horse and you should take care of it.

2 years ago

It’s best not to listen to that.

2 years ago

So my parents have financial means to buy me a horse

It’s nice to hear how you’ve got money from your parents.

Why don’t you wait until you can afford yourself a horse.

2 years ago

Just imagine the choice, either you get a horse right away or with 18 in addition to the Porsche a Ferrari.