Wie überwinde ich mich vor anderen zu singen?

Hey, bin 14M(, also noch in der Pubertät falls es wichtig ist, das zu erwähnen) und habe jetzt seit einem Monat Gesangsunterricht. Habe noch bevor ich mit dem Gesangsunterricht angefangen habe, etwas vorgearbeitet und meine Kopfstimme gefunden, die allerdings noch etwas hauchig klingt.

Mein Problem ist jetzt leider nur, damit ich mich verbessern kann, muss ich auch selbstverständlich viel üben. Meine Mutter ist zwar oft weg, wodurch ich dann die Chance bekomme singen zu üben, aber auf Dauer ist das keine Lösung. Ich versuche oft, mich zu überwinden und auch, wenn ich nicht alleine zuhause bin zu üben, aber ich schaffe es einfach nicht. Hinzu kommt leider auch noch, dass ich ohnehin meine Stimme überhaupt nicht mag, weshalb es mir nochmal schwerer fällt mich zu überwinden.

Ich hoffe, ich habe nicht zu viel geschrieben, aber ich will mich wirklich überwinden, weil ich am singen so viel Spaß habe und davon träume, vor anderen singen zu können, vielleicht auch um irgendwann zum Beispiel bei „The Voice“ mitzumachen. Würde nämlich nach der Schule wirklich gern in die Richtung Musik gehen, bzw. spezifisch etwas mit Gesang machen. Also hätte jemand vielleicht hilfreiche Tipps für mich, wie ich es schaffen kann, mich zu überwinden?



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1 year ago

Hi! First of all, you need to learn to accept your voice, how else you want to stand confidently before people. You can’t do that with the thought “actually I find myself 💩”, that’s how you will sing.

As the second and that from your own experience: don’t think about it, you can’t influence people’s opinion and taste, you can only give your best and then like it or not.

Third: You have to mean what you do when you get out, then with the mindset “I’m here the singer and no one else” and not “I know it can’t” and then sing with a tight handbrake.

Overcoming has to do with two things:

Once with your own attitude to it and on the other hand with skills and exercise. You just started, so you’re still uncertain, you lack the experience and the recognition of your possibilities. This will teach you more and more, your part is first practiced and trusted. And as often as possible with music and audience.

Have fun and success.


1 year ago

Moin, Max,

I know your inhibitions very well.

But if you’re on stage, it’s quite different than you’re used to gf. The listeners are all yours, they listen to you.

It’s your friends and forgive you little mistakes.

1 year ago

I feel the same sometimes… I’ve been singing in a band for a few weeks, and I feel that my voice is totally stupid. In the beginning I was really mad because my microphone somehow changed my voice…I was advertised last year at “The Voice kids” was not accepted. Well, as you can see, these are quite many defeats. But now I’ve learned to handle my voice well, you know, and that works much better. My message is… try to get a lot of emotion into your song with me. Focus. Love to sing. I hope I could help.

1 year ago


I think it’s good that you took singing lessons. If you want to stay seriously, I don’t think you’re getting around.

Try to start singing before family and friends. I know these inhibitions. I used to think of people I know, even harder. I just know that others are more likely to sing before family and friends than singing before friends.

If you want to sing it before strangers, maybe sing something at the next birthday party or school graduation party, etc. If you’re at a music school, you can listen to whether the small student concerts are performing there. Maybe talk to your teacher about it. They often know how to deal with stage fear.

Maybe you can apply for a local musical project or choir. There you learn quite quickly to overcome yourself.

What I would not recommend to you personally is on TV with casting shows. There you are usually only exposed because the entertainment is in the foreground and not to raise people. It’s just my opinion. Of course you have to decide.

I hope I could help.



1 year ago
Reply to  MAX00555

That sounds like a plan. Wish you a lot of success!
