Wie übertrage ich die laufenden Kosten bei Webseiten?

Ich möchte Webseiten Designen und Verkaufen, am liebsten über WordPress und Siteground. Wie kann ich die laufenden Kosten, z.B. von Domain, Hosting oder Plugins dem Kunden übertragen.

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1 year ago

There are two ways to transfer current costs to websites:

1. The customer takes over the costs himself

In this case, you need to charge the customer with the costs for domain, hosting and plugins separately. To do this, you can enter into a contract with the customer in which the costs and payment terms are determined. You can also calculate the costs in the purchase price of the website.

Two. You take the costs and pay them for the customer

In this case, you have to charge the customer with the costs of domain, hosting and plugins, but you will transfer the payments to the provider yourself. To do this, you must issue an invoice with the costs to the customer and then transfer it to the provider.

1 year ago

Look at their portfolios from other web designers and how they shape their terms, then you have a solid foundation.

After creating the page, this is generally transferred to the customer server, if necessary it is included in the order to order it for the customer, then its data is used. (Should be written)

1 year ago

Must be specified in the “Calculation”. Additional costs or something. But you have to discuss with the customer everything he really wants.