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5 years ago

Jump into the day (or the night of the destination).

Otherwise: Your body needs about one day for an hour of time difference (local time) for the time change. You know that from flying medicine.

5 years ago

Jet lacquer? Is that the paint with which aircraft are painted? 🙂

Or do you mean Jetlag? It depends on whether you’re going west or east. If you fly to the west, your biological clock will run ahead of time. It only helps go through until sleep time is announced. If you fly east, the biological clock will follow. Then just lay down when it gets night, even if you’re not tired. That’s how you get used to the time change.

5 years ago

That depends on the direction. I would go through, in doubt, very long… and then go to bed at night. If you have bad luck, you have to go through for a long time.

5 years ago

Stay alert until it’s time to sleep at local time. That’s what I’ve done, and I’ve never had Jetlag before.

5 years ago

Try to get used to local time as soon as possible. So better stay up to find the rhythm

5 years ago
Reply to  Lysandra13

Right! Fly regularly long distances and with your advice everything works very well. You’re almost getting nothing from the jet lag.

5 years ago

It’s actually coming to the direction of flight…

However, hoses 12 h flight so or so…so sleep as much as possible! earplugs, pillows, blankets, …

5 years ago


With coffee.