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1 year ago

Well, the problem is the following. The withdrawal symptoms you have are not induced by sugar or fat deficiency, these substances do not. It’s psychic.

With every bite of sugar, the brain rewards us with spilling out lucky hormones. Our satisfaction level is increased, our reward center responds positively. You feel comfortable, it tastes.

If this substance stays away, the brain has no reason to reward you. Only this non-remuneration appears to you as a pain. This is at the level the same mechanism as in drugs, sex and what is still so for addiction. Everybody works the same. Because you used to “reward” yourself a day, you’re missing it now. The deficit causes your body to blame you for being rewarded again. Pain. (However, not like alcohol or heroin, the pain is real, real). Do not misunderstand,you definitely have pain,and there is no doubt. Unfortunately, this is also not as with ciffs stop sweating three days and good. That’s a long time. That’s why you need a replacement. Find something that gives you satisfaction. Have a good time. That can be all. I know it’s hard to get into something new when you miss something else. But you can take me by the word,if you accept the change, you will have internalized it after three weeks and be pain-free and sinner. If you can’t send me a friend’s request and make me a real mess, and I confess that I have no idea. Just hold through three weeks and do what the doctors say.

Man is controlled by two feelings. All we do is do for one of these two reasons. Avoid pain or gain pleasure. You want if you could avoid pain and give your body sugar. Then you’d be better right away. But and that’s the bad thing to win, he needs longer. The pain you’re wearing now is because you’re looking for pleasure. No health. You can search as long as you want, you won’t find anything that doesn’t happen for these reasons. The doctor can be sure to help you fight the pain,but you need to have pleasure and what no doctor tells you for reasons of liability, I’ll tell you at most three weeks. Then the worst is over. Can you do that? Do you want a new life?

1 year ago

You don’t get the right withdrawal symptoms from sugar and fat. In any case, no one comparable to drug use. I think you’re taking a lot of pictures.

1 year ago
Reply to  awoKY

This is called psychosomatic complaints. The brain can form a lot.

1 year ago

Your brain can also affect your digestion. Diarrhea is also a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome, which can be triggered among others by the psyche. Having diarrhea when you’re stressed is nothing unusual now.

1 year ago

How do you survive the withdrawal symptoms?

Well and positively motivated by staying through the few days and not softening.