Wie überrede ich meinen Vater für das Auto?
Hallo, es geht vorliegend um einen Sportwagen. Derweil fahren wir einen GLE AMG 43 Coupé, nun ist dieser schon mehr als drei Jahre alt und es steht fest, dass Ende 2021/Anfang 2022 ein neuer Wagen kommen wird. Ich versuche meinen Vater seit geraumer Zeit zu beeinflussen, indem ich immer wieder den M8 Gran Coupé Competition erwähne und ihm Videos auf Instagram und so schicke. Neben dem BMW hab ich ihm auch den AMG GT63s nahegelegt. Nun ist es so, dass diese Edelkarossen ja nicht ganz billig sind. Dementsprechend ist es denke ich nachvollziehbar, dass das Auto über einen Leasingvertrag laufen wird, auch in Hinblick auf den riesigen Wertverlust. Zur finanziellen Lage: wir besitzen 5 Immobilien im Wert von paar Millionen Euro. Von diesen 3 Millionen müssen etwa 1/4 noch getilgt werden. Man berücksichtige den Zinssatz von 2,5% pro Jahr. Die Immobilien zahlen sich durch Mieteinkünfte nicht gänzlich von selbst ab, das Ferienhaus läuft aufgrund der Corona Pandemie nicht wie gewünscht. Mein Vater zahlt somit von einem Teil seines Gehalts im Monat dazu. Meine Eltern kommen im Monat über ein 5-stelliges Netto Einkommen (ohne Vermietung). Meine Eltern wissen immer sehr genau was sie machen und was nicht und denken vernünftig. Der Wagen würde 170.000€ oder gebraucht 130.000€ kosten. Meine Mutter zu überreden kann ich vergessen, sie wird schon ängstlich, wenn mein Vater über 200 fährt :P. Achja, ich hab noch 2 Geschwister und ich selbst bin wegen meinem Studium in eine andere Stadt gezogen, wofür meine Eltern auch nochmal 1000€ im Monat bezahlen. Wie kann ich meinen Vater überreden?😂
So I don’t know how to talk about parents like that. I have usually experienced that as a “child” you don’t really have something to say.
But anyway, it would surprise me why you put such a great value on which car your father is driving? – It’s not “dein” car in the end, and in the end, you don’t have to drive through the area. It doesn’t bring you any “benefits” if your father drives “dein” desired car. Or do I get something wrong?
I also think the father should feel comfortable in the car and drive the car what he likes.
I also come from a wealthy household. Of course, I came to him and said something like: How about a cool sports car.
He said: He doesn’t want the customers of his store to disappear when he buys something like that. He prefers to drive Mini and buys himself something “tolleres”. Maybe your father’s been thinking about something like that.
Maybe your father already has another car in mind, which he/she still hides from you.
How you could talk to him:
It’s more like my mother. Since she is active in the tax evasion, she is rather inconvenient. My father still has a not quite so prosperous business car so that customers do not think “the type deserves too much, we do not give the company a contract haha”. Since yesterday, I’ve been pretty sure that the gt63s will come in the spring of 2022, wrote to him again. 390 PS -> 639 PS, look forward to xD
The questioner is a “Möchtegern-Millionärs-Söhnchen” anyway.
-sag you want to practice driving in your dream car
– You could get the car later if they buy a new one.
– You pay.
But would let him buy the car what he likes. After all, he’ll drive it. His money he spends. If you want a car later, you can buy it with your earned money. A car is something special where you spend years/his life and he has to feel comfortable in it and not you.
As already stated in another answer, he likes the cars very well.
Apparently you need a lot of time to reach the level of reason of your parents. I think your parents have a better look at finance than you and know what they want to do.
P. S. Pleasure hasn’t hurt anyone yet
True words in any case
+1 very well formulated
Also wealthy people have a financial limit…
Why is it so important to you what car your parents are doing? It’s their thing, how much they want to spend on a car and what they’re budgeting. The available budget will be calculated very accurately and partly bound – you can’t just snap with a finger and spend more.
In any case, I would cough my son if he would prescribe my budget with my earned money and thinks that it would be easy to do this and that in it.
Maybe your father should invest less money in the car and more in a new keyboard for you. There is probably the input button for paragraphs broken…is really laborious to read!
I’d say take less thought about your parents’ car. Your father’s gonna be fine. So far, he has managed the GLE 43 AMG.
I’m sorry, I wrote the text down on my phone.
You could make a deal with your dad that he appears as a guarantee, then you wouldn’t have a loan. You could then use it with a corresponding runtime and buy or lease your desired car. As a side effect, you would also get a link to money and its value, which would certainly be happy for your father.
Papi decides he pays the vehicle.
If you want this car, you can finance it yourself.
why such a TAMTAM, much writing without using
The presentation of the financial circumstances served exclusively the possibility of better assessing the margin of my parents ..
Or did you want to “pick up the plaster”? After all, no one’s doing anything, how much where and what. And a big thank you from the tax office!
Papi doesn’t want this car.
So you want to work for it 🙂
Had forgotten to mention that he liked the cars very well. Only 150,000€ for him are not “not”. I have to give him reason to put this money on the table. My father and I like the same thing, at least in terms of cars.
As you have already indicated, cars are not investments but toys with loss of value. I think your father doesn’t have to spend his money meaningless and that speaks very much for him;) there are multimillionaires who are still going to business by bicycle and have remained very grounded. So I think with you the interest of buying your dream car for him is probably because you want to go around with the car too. Young drivers are often overcrowded and there is a lack of years of experience on the streets to deal with such calibers. He bestows you an Occasion VW Golf and buys himself a car that ER wants;) a person who owns as much property and is successful will probably know how to make the right financial decisions. Also, you don’t have to tell your colleagues that your father has a beautiful karre and has many real estates – they should also like you if your father had nothing. Materialist feelings of happiness are always of short duration and very unhealthy to build human interrelations.
What’s he gonna do with a vehicle like that? So you can wrap it around a tree with friends on weekends?
Luxury problems…
What does a student have about the father’s car?
Larger Internet Egg 😅
Well, I like to sit on the passenger seat and listen to the sound of the 4.4l V8 engine … Furthermore, I am unfortunately a person who is very chasing behind the materialism.