Wie überrede ich meine Mutter?
Hey, meine Mutter möchte, das ich mit bei ihrem neuen Freund Schlafe, also von Freitag bis Sonntag.
Darauf habe ich aber keine Lust, da ich mich mit der Tochter nicht verstehe, weil sie mir 200€ gestohlen hat.
Wie kann ich meine Mutter überreden, das ich nicht dorte schlafen muss, und auch nicht mitkommen muss ??
No idea, the only possibility is to talk to her
Here are typps ( sourcevertraumirbruda )
You could suggest that you sleep somewhere else. (so make an example if she can imagine it correctly are the chances smaller) you could suggest that you are only there in the afternoon or just sleep there and then are somewhere else. Or you’re sleeping in front of your mother’s washing off or taking off other household items.
No great chance to convince them but I wish you all good
Remember to tell her you’re bad
Did it work?
Thank you, she somehow answers me nd, so she ignores me🥲
in law, your mother has the right of residence and may decide that you have to come with.
But are we honest, what should you do if you don’t come? You’re gonna kill Leine and pull yourself behind? Call the police?
If you explain to your mother quietly and objectively that you don’t want to spend time with someone who complains to you, your mother should understand.
The more relevant question for me would be, what has been done so far because of theft? Has the accused been addressed to it? What does she say? Has your mother’s companion been addressed to it and what does he say?
If there is no discernment and no will to repay the money, my next way would be the local police station:
LG, Chris
Thank you, no we have done nothing against why?
Because they were no longer with us for a long time (i.e. the companion of life, and his daughter), and I also have no real contact with him. My mother didn’t want to do anything about why
Are you losing 200€?
If someone had stolen me with a total of €16, I would have made him hot.
You’re 16, you’re quite able to do something yourself.
As already said, I would have given her the chance to give back the money – it is not used, it goes over the father – it does nothing, it goes to the police.
No not really, but have received them so to say from my mother
Does your mother know about theft or did you get the money back? Is there an option if you can’t stay alone at home, for example, with your father or friends spending the WE? Think about good arguments that say that you don’t come along: for example, you wanted to clean up your room at the WE, there’s a pet that would otherwise be alone, you wanted to learn with a girlfriend or. have a lot to do for school, you don’t pack it mentally to spend the whole WE at the new friend, whining around would I leave, that brings idR nix.
Yes, my mother knows, and I didn’t get the money again, thanks for the answer, yes I could sleep with a friend
I’m sorry.
Then I’d just say you don’t come with me as long as you don’t have your money again. It’s not just 1€50…
Yeah, I’ll try to talk to my mother later.
Mother, I don’t want to stay there because I don’t understand the daughter because she stole 200€.
Yes, I have, that’s why I have the question. My mother said I’m bad luck, and still has to come
With what reason?
Does your mother even know that you were accused?
Yeah, but she didn’t mind.