Wie überrede ich meine eltern zu Anime?

Hi, ich bin ein einiger Maßen Anime “fan”, meine eltern finden es aber nicht so gut diesen ich zittiere “japanische Zeichen zeug” sie lassen es mich schauen aber ich würde es gerne mit ihnen schauen und drüber reden können. Gibt es irgendwelche Möglichkeiten.

Danke im voraus an alle antworten

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1 month ago

Maybe you’re trying with movies instead of series. Best realistic, with little gags and action, so they remember more ordinary movies. Then your parents can get used to anime slowly. And a movie night is not as exhausting for her as a longer series. My suggestions would be Studio Ghibli Films (e.g. the last light bulbs, voice of the heart, How the wind rises), Colorful, Ame & Yuki, Your Name, Suzume, I Want to Eat Your Pancreas, A Silent Voice.

You could also consider the preferences of your parents. If your mother likes romantic comedies, you take anime from this genre. Again, best those who remember more Western productions.

Many animes are aimed at older spectators, e.g. Monster. It’s gonna tell your parents more than Isekai or Battle Shonen.

My last proposal would be Live Action Adaptions. The series on One Piece or the Kenshin movies (if it may be more bloody Alice in Borderland) would be suitable.

On your username, I see you like volleyball. Then maybe suitable Haikyuu good, because it’s linked to your hobby.

1 month ago

Most parents hold nix of anime. Villeicht den Anime Tokyo Magnitude 8.0. Realistic and sad little fantasy. Worth trying.

1 month ago

Anime is generally very popular, but nevertheless something special. Your parents may not like it, but you must accept it. Maybe you have friends who want to look with you.

I look back and forth with good colleagues animes!

1 month ago

You will not be able to inspire them for the “Japanese signage”. Everyone has his preferences. Enjoy your animes alone and let them look at their stuff whatever it may be.

1 month ago

I have to look with my mother Attack on Titan, so I recommend taking you an anime you think your parents might like him.

AOT is a good example because it is a masterpiece and not funny moments.

Give it a try and after 5 at the latest they will notice the anime can also be very entertaining

1 month ago
Reply to  MickyArmY

Yes and your mother will certainly celebrate it ultra crisp, the baptismal people there will be slaughtered……

1 month ago
Reply to  Kiskenz

Ohje es die Menschen, then I rather look instead of one of the best stories that there are probably Berlin day and night, thank you

1 month ago

I know

1 month ago

But it’s mostly just a murder and not where every episode is crowded.

1 month ago

My mother often looks like criminals. I can guess that my mother can handle something like this in every case.

1 month ago

You better think about how your mom would react if you showed her that. Just because for you blood and spit what is you celebrating there, she won’t do it to you.

1 month ago

If they don’t want, leave them.

1 month ago

If they don’t want to see it, you have to accept it. You won’t be able to do anything with thunder and stubbornness.